Curriculum Intent
To ignite a passion for art in all our students. To introduce students to a wide range of artists, styles and techniques, enriching their knowledge and understanding of the world of art. Inspiring projects are taught that engage students, encourage risk-taking, creative thinking and self-confidence
Open Evening Flyer
The Art department here at Bourne Community College is a colourful and dynamic learning environment, the Art staff are an energetic and passionate team and are all practising artists. The Art program is rich and vibrant and enables students to explore different materials, styles and techniques, developing observational skills and the ability to analyse, reflect and refine ideas. Projects are thoughtfully designed and informed by different artists, cultures and themes. Students show creative risk-taking and problem solving through their work, projects are designed to ignite passion for the subject.
The Art team create links to develop art within the local community, securing funding and sponsorship and creating local partnerships. Year 9 students have recently worked with local community artists to create a large jubilee themed mosaic for the pavilion in our local park. Community artwork on display can also be seen at both Chichester and Bosham station, as well as in local residential care homes. They have supported the ‘Adopt a Ward/Thinking of You’ community project, reaching out and showing support through art and letters, to patients and staff in the Coronary Care Unit at St Richards’ Hospital. Also links with the Education and Community Officer at QE/Staunton Country Park create opportunities for students to participate in workshops and art days at these venues. Most recently, links have been made with two local sculptors at Matt Black Barn.
Many new murals have been created around the school, celebrating our RRSA Gold Status as well as our commitment and passion for literacy. Miss Donovan has worked with Outtareach to create large scale departmental graphics, personalised by staff and students, they really are spectacular.
Learning Journey
Our learning journeys give a visual overview of the curriculum content covered in each subject. They will help you understand how students make progress in different topics over the years they are with us.
Key Stage 3 Curriculum Overview
Year 7 Colour
A project that looks at colour theory, develops painting skills and the ability to experiment and take creative risks. Students respond to artists using different materials and complete observational studies of insects, using these to develop skills in print-making and textiles embellishment.
Year 8 Portraiture
A project aimed at developing students’ skills in observing and recording through portraiture, understanding scale and proportion, shape and form, expression and emotion. Students extend and build upon painting skills from Year 7, learning how to mix skin tones and use different drawing techniques and mediums within their portraiture work.
Year 9 Fantastical and Street Art
In Year 9 students complete two projects. The first project explores the world of fantasy within art, writing and film, looking at how imaginary creatures are depicted in a realistic style by artists and animators. Through this project students also explore careers in art. Students investigate different artists, their style and technique and also study Metamorphosis to further inspire ideas. The second project introduces students to the world of Street Art and different street artists, exploring materials, styles and techniques, analysing work and messages depicted. Students develop skills in stencilling and explore how contemporary images and text within street art often refer to political and topical issues. Students design a poster/billboard/mural based on the topic of child labour, also making reference to the UN Rights of the Child, linking to our Rights Respecting Gold status, developing their skills in stencilling through this project.
Key Stage 4 Curriculum Overview
AQA Exam Board. This course is 60% Coursework and 40% Exam.
*Academic Year 2020-2021 this course will be assessed based on 100% Coursework
Specific techniques and materials are used to enable students to explore a wide variety of ideas and themes. The first GCSE coursework unit is entitled Climate Change, investigating artists that focus on this theme and creatures at risk of extinction from plastic pollution, fossil fuels, rising sea temperatures etc. The second unit focuses on lino print-making, with the aim of developing a high level of expertise within this medium and investigating the work of contemporary British print-makers.
Key Words
We aim to support students in their literacy across all curriculum subjects. We provide key word lists as a teaching and learning tool to support student understanding of the technical vocabulary needed to articulate their learning about a particular subject.
Year 9- Fantastical- Key Words
Trips and Extra-Curricular Activities
Year 10 – Sculpture park/gallery visit
Mrs Charlie Cluff – Leader of Art
Miss Kelly Donovan – Teacher of Art and Textiles
Ms Paula Wood – Art Technician