Key Stage 3
In Key Stage 3, Dance is taught to students in PE lessons as part of the curriculum. From the onset, students are taught how to use a stimulus and a dance idea to create a story or framework for their pieces, with a large focus on motif development, creativity and composition.
In year 7, students focus on technique skills including strength, balance and coordination. There is an emphasis on posture, tension and extension, with students learning how to demonstrate the theme of ‘A journey through space’ through dance and expressive movement. Students are encouraged to explore how body actions such as travelling, jumping, falling, turning and gestures impact on a dance piece. Students are also taught to include formations, canon, unison, pathways and directions within their piece. There is also the opportunity for creative dance work to take place, with students focussing on developing their own short phrases incorporating combinations of time, space and flow. Within year 7, there is a lot of opportunity for group work and a large emphasis on performance skills.
In year 8, students build on the skills they have learnt in year 7. There is a focus on incorporating levels and dynamics in their dance piece, with the theme of ‘Guernica’ being developed throughout the unit. Students are taught how to scaffold a dance piece with a strong emotional meaning behind it and are encouraged to explore the various different outlooks people may have on this dance idea when devising their own phrases and motifs. There is also the opportunity for solo, duet and group work.
When students reach year 9, dance lessons become more personal and independent. There is a large focus on quality of movement and choreographic devices. Students are encouraged to create their own work from a stimulus and exemplar work in order to make their phrases and motifs highlight their strengths of the subject. Students must build upon their knowledge and understanding from previous schemes of work, whilst exploring space directions and patterns. There is also an emphasis on actions, space, dynamics and relationships, with students analysing how these elements combine to create an engaging piece.
The combination of these units puts students in an advantageous position when considering Dance as a pathway for Key Stage 4, whether that be BTEC Dance or Dance within GCSE PE.
Key Stage 4
(An optional subject at Key Stage 4)
The aim of this course is to develop the student’s knowledge, understanding and skills of dance through performance, composition and appreciation of each student’s own work and those of others.
Students will be composing and choreographing their own material and set pieces, building upon what they have been focusing on in their Key Stage 3 lessons. Within this course, there will be the opportunity for solo, duet and group work to take place, with students expected to take on a number of roles within the group.
The course consists of a mixture of practical and theory lessons. During the practical lessons, students develop a range of dance movements and experiment with varying dance styles and ideas, and how to develop a dance from a specific stimulus. Students are encouraged to explore contrasting themes and ideas in order to broaden their knowledge of the subject.
This course offers an individualised route for students, with theory, performance and coursework elements combining to give a final grade.
Within Dance, there are various trips. These include:
- University of Brighton
- G & T Opportunities
- Dance competition
- Evening of Dance
- Talent Shows
- Musical Productions
- Dance House
Mrs J Acquah – Leader of PE and Dance