Open Evening Flyer

Our Curriculum

History Learning Journey

In Key Stage 3 History students study local, British and world history. This includes learning about significant events, people and changes from the recent and more distant past.

At GCSE, students study:

  • Medicine in Britain c. 1250 – present
  • Early Elizabethan England
  • American West
  • The USA 1954 – 75: Conflict at home and abroad


Exam Board: Edexcel

Specification: History 1HI0

Exam: Paper 1 – 1 hour 15 minutes (30%) Paper 2 – 1 hour 45 minutes (40%) Paper 3 – 1 hour 20 minutes (30%)

Trips & Activities

  • Year 7 Humanities visit to Chichester to extend thinking and enquiry skills
  • Year 7 Trip to see Tutankhamen exhibition
  • Year 9 RE/History visit to holocaust survivor at Chichester Cathedral
  • Year 9 and 10 History residential trip to World War I battlefields in Belgium and France.
  • Year 9 and 10 History/RE residential trip to Auschwitz
  • GCSE History trip to Portsmouth Historic Dockyard
  • Links to specific events such as Black History Month and Holocaust Day



Mrs D McGarry BA (Hons) – Leader of History

Mr M Burns BSc (Hons) – Teacher of History and Geography


Aims of the School

To inspire and enable all to make a positive contribution to ourselves, our community and the wider society
Pursue excellence in character and in learning

Our Vision

To be the best versions of ourselves

Our Values

All we do as a community is rooted in our three values


Bourne Community College
Bourne Community CollegeFriday, January 31st, 2025 at 5:00pm
Year 10 Geography and Triple Science students had the opportunity to be part of a special cross-curricular enrichment activity. The event was lead by Scientist Dr. Leigh Hickmott, world leading expert in Pack-Ice Killer whales. He visited us at the Bourne to deliver a talk about his recent BBC programme, 'Expedition Killer Whale' and elevated students' knowledge of Antarctica's ecosystems. The students fully immersed themselves into the presentation and thoroughly enjoyed the experience. On behalf of The Bourne Community College, we would like to thank @leighhickmott for his visit and will be looking forward to seeing more of his amazing work.

Please check out Leigh Hickmott recent BBC program:

Mrs. R James
Leader of Humanities
Bourne Community College
Bourne Community CollegeWednesday, January 29th, 2025 at 5:00pm
Caterlink's plan for next Wednesdays lunch.
Bourne Community College
Bourne Community CollegeMonday, January 27th, 2025 at 5:00pm
Year 8 are currently studying Cubism, learning about this style of art and through this project, they are continuing to develop their drawing skills. Photos show work from a lesson drawing paper cups, using parallel lines and ellipses to guide shape, adding shading with smudge sticks. Photos show some of examples of the work from our fabulous year 8 students!
Bourne Community College
Bourne Community CollegeFriday, January 24th, 2025 at 5:00pm
Year 8 have been finding out what London was like in the 17th Century, in order to decide whether it was a 'fine or foul' place to visit. They imagined they were two Italian brothers visiting from Italy; one an optimist, looking for all the fine things about London, the other a pessimist, looking for all the foul things. At the end of their visit, the two brothers meet up in a London tavern for a heated debate over whether London was indeed fine or foul. The students did a fantastic job of gathering their evidence to support their viewpoint and there were some detailed and heated discussions about the city. This work has set the scene for us looking at some key events of the time, such as the English Civil War, which turned the world upside down!

Mrs McGarry
Assistant Leader of Humanities

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