Curriculum Intent

Our aspiration is to enable every pupil to fulfil their mathematical potential during their journey through Bourne Community College.

The vision of the department is to motivate every pupil to achieve their best mathematical outcome and embrace the challenge of becoming a mathematician on the journey.

Open Evening Flyer


Aims and Implementation

Inspirational Teaching and Learning is our aim, and all activities in the department should reflect this. The Maths team are continually striving to improve their teaching skills, through Continual Professional Development, sharing good practice and using opportunities available for team planning/ teaching/ reviewing. The department believes that a broad, balanced, rigorous and challenging curriculum is the best way to ensure that the pupils at Bourne receive the best mathematical education.

Our students’ journey is a five year one, we follow the National Curriculum, starting systematic GCSE coverage in year 9. Learning follows a spiral model, with areas of Maths revisited several times a year, allowing interleaving across topics. In years 7 and 8 our scheme of work is split into 3 broad ability bands. From year 9, students will be taught in Higher or Foundation groups. Some students will learn to apply all skills to grade 9, some will learn most Higher skills and apply all Foundation skills, others will learn all Foundation skills and apply some.

Some students are given the opportunity to study for additional qualifications to prepare them for their next steps. Currently, we are offering after school GCSE Statistics and the Level 3 OCR Free Standing Additional Maths Qualification. A few students prepare for the Entry Level Certificates when GCSE is not appropriate.

The Maths department believes achievement is best supported through strict but flexible setting, with lower groups having fewer students and more support. Movement between sets follows regular topic testing from year 9 and “away from the point of learning” assessments in all years. Groups of students within or across sets are also periodically identified as requiring extra specialist input and receive intervention support.

Learning Journey

Our learning journeys give a visual overview of the curriculum content covered in each subject. They will help you understand how students make progress in different topics over the years they are with us.

Year 7 Learning Journey

Year 8 Learning Journey

Year 9 Foundation Learning Journey

Year 9 Higher Learning Journey

Year 10 Foundation Learning Journey

Year 10 Higher Learning Journey

Year 11 Foundation Learning Journey

Year 11 Higher Learning Journey

Key Stage 3 Overview

The Maths Department follows the National Curriculum:

  • Algebra (patterns, sequences and equations etc.,)
  • Number (arithmetic, mental Maths etc.,)
  • Ratio and Proportion (fractions, percentages etc.,)
  • Shape and Space (angles, polygons and constructions etc.,)
  • Data handling (averages, charts and probability etc.)

Our students are, however, encouraged to make connections between all areas and to see mathematics as a tool to describe, then find solutions to problems. A scheme of work designed for pace and rigour is used to ensure that the pupils at Bourne receive the most balanced and challenging curriculum. We aim for lessons incorporating mental Maths and opportunities for using and applying Maths, with a frequent focus on problem solving. Regular assessment points allow our students the opportunity to revise, a skill which is explicitly taught.

Homework is set every week and is mandatory. We have dedicated Maths homework clubs at lunch (Mon, Tues, Wed) and after school (Thurs) when students can access specialist support should they need it.

Key Stage 4 Overview

The KS4 programme covers the same broad areas as KS3, taking understanding to a deeper and sometimes more functional level. Students are taught to develop their knowledge until it is secure and then pushed on to master those topics, enabling to reach for the highest grade they are capable of.

We subscribe to an online textbook, which enables students and parents to view the books that the students use in class and includes links to worked examples and on-line tutorials. This can be accessed through Kerboodle for which students have a password.

There are frequent assessments which students are encouraged to revise for. This ensures that skills are secure before moving on in the syllabus.

Homework is set every week and supported as for KS3.

All students are entered for Maths GCSE at either foundation or higher level. Foundation allows grades 1 to 5, and higher 4 to 9.

We prepare our students for the Linear AQA GCSE (8300 series), which they sit in year 11. It is assessed through three terminal exams.

In addition to Maths GCSE, more able mathematicians will be given an opportunity to sit an additional GCSE in statistics. Some students in year 11 commit to extra-curricular lessons to follow the OCR additional Maths programme, a great stepping-stone to post 16 A-level Maths.

Key Words

We aim to support students in their literacy across all curriculum subjects. We provide key word lists as a teaching and learning tool to support student understanding of the technical vocabulary needed to articulate their learning about a particular subject.

Maths Key Words

Extra-Curricular Trips & Activities

The department supports the wider curriculum, taking a lead in STEM activities and endeavours to support the wider community, such as our feeder schools. We look for every opportunity to do Maths outside the classroom, which includes supporting Numeracy across the curriculum, but also working outdoors or applied school trips.

Activities vary from year to year but include:

  • Programming robots for a simulated earthquake environment
  • Probability at the Casino
  • Farnborough Airshow (biannual).


Mr E Simpson BSc (Hons) – Leader of Maths

Mrs T La – Assistant Leader of Maths

Mr J Cariou BEng (Hons) MSc – Assistant Headteacher / Teacher of Maths

Mrs E Meagher MSc – Teacher of Maths

Ms J Phillips BA (Hons) MA -Teacher of Maths

Mr M Kimber BSc (Hons) – Teacher of Maths

Miss P Cowtan BSc (Hons) Intervention Specialist


Aims of the School

To inspire and enable all to make a positive contribution to ourselves, our community and the wider society
Pursue excellence in character and in learning

Our Vision

To be the best versions of ourselves

Our Values

All we do as a community is rooted in our three values


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