Curriculum Intent
In our ever-changing world, being able to communicate in a foreign language is an open door to exciting opportunities. We aim to equip our students with greater knowledge and understanding of the larger world in which they live, communicate and work, and help them become global citizens of the future
Open Evening Flyer
Our aim in the MFL department is to ensure that every student we teach has an enjoyable and enriching experience. We want our students to confidently improve their linguistic skills and competencies and to feel able to communicate in at least one Modern Foreign Language.
A rich curriculum, which is driven by inspiring teaching and cultural experiences, has been embedded. Teaching focuses on the active use of key structures, which are embedded through repetition and retrieval.
Our curriculum follows the National Curriculum for Languages.
Learning Journey
Our learning journeys give a visual overview of the curriculum content covered in each subject. They will help you understand how students make progress in different topics over the years they are with us.
Key Stage Three Overview
At KS3 students have the opportunity to study either French or Spanish. We believe that studying one language thoroughly will equip our students with the skills and confidence they require to use this language in a variety of situations.
After an introduction on the importance of learning foreign languages, as well as cultural knowledge related to the language and countries who use it, we cover the National Curriculum using a creative and cross-curricular approach that includes studying the following topics:
In Year 7, we cover a range of topics in which students learn to speak confidently about themselves, their lives and the world around them. In year 8, we further these skills, covering topics such as Free Time and Lifestyle. In Year 9, we prepare students for the GCSE level courses, covering topics such as holidays and hobbies.
In Year 7, we cover a range of topics in which students learn to introduce themselves and greet others confidently. They talk about family, their home and local area. In year 8, we move on to hobbies and going out. In year 9, we prepare students for the GCSE level course, covering topics such as fashion and learning about the Spanish-speaking world.
Key Stage Four Overview
French and Spanish are optional subjects and very popular with our students and our results are above the national average. We follow the new AQA GCSE course. Please have a look at our presentation on studying languages at GCSE:
Topics covered over the two years include:
Identity and culture: Me, my family and friends; marriage and relationships; technology in everyday life; free-time activities; Customs and festivals.
Local, national, international and global areas of interest: Home, town, neighbourhood and region; social issues; global issues; travel and tourism.
Current and future: My studies; life at school/college; education post-16; jobs, career choice and ambitions.
Students are tested on all four skill areas and this takes place at the end of Year 11.
There are four exams in all:
- Reading (25%)
- Listening (25%)
- Speaking (25%)
- Writing (25%)
Students are entered for either foundation or higher tier.
Key Words
We aim to support students in their literacy across all curriculum subjects. We provide key word lists as a teaching and learning tool to support student understanding of the technical vocabulary needed to articulate their learning about a particular subject.
French Literacy Knowledge Organiser
Spanish Literacy Knowledge Organiser
Trips and Extra-Curricular Activities
We pride ourselves by offering all our students the opportunity go to the country of the language they are studying at least once whilst at the Bourne, either on a residential or a day trip. We also have very close links to schools in France and Spain and students in Years 7 to 9 have the opportunity to participate in our pen pal programme. Here are some examples of what the MFL department can offer your child:
- Day trips to France each December (Lille’s Christmas market and Boulogne).
- Residential trips to France (Paris) and Spain (Avila).
- Pen-pal programme where students communicate with a French or Spanish student from our partner schools.
- Plays in Spanish and French at the school.
- Cooking French and Spanish specialities (Year 7).
- Video sessions with our partner schools in France and Spain.
- Welcoming visitors from our link schools in Germany, Holland, France and Spain who visit us throughout the year.
- International Days to celebrate the diversity of languages and cultures
Mrs A-L Riedmuller – Curriculum Leader and teacher of French and Spanish.
Miss T Patrascu – Teacher of Spanish and French
Miss J Poisson – Teacher of French and Spanish
Links to Useful Revision and Additional Study