Teachers record and track progress regularly. This is accessible to parents at all times by logging in to BromCom’s portal MyChildAtSchool (https://www.mychildatschool.com/MCAS/MCSParentLogin )
We take a snapshot of where your child is several times a year. This records their attainment at that time. For every data drop, teachers also issue an attitude to learning grade for their subject, with a code to inform you of any concern. They will also report a homework grade if homework is set in the subject.
In the summer term you will also receive a report from your child’s tutor.
Below is a list of attributes you will find in the reports.
Attendance and Aim High Points
Reports include:
- Your child’s attendance to date as a percentage
- Positive points awarded and the number of incidents
- Negative points issued and the number of incidents
Attitude to Learning Grades
This describes all the attributes of learning such as effort, behaviour, revision and homework. The table below explains what the grades we report mean.
1 | Outstanding |
2+ |
Positive |
2 | |
2- | |
3+ |
Inconsistent |
3 | |
3- | |
4 | Unacceptable |
A grade of 1 to 2- is a cause for celebration. Please acknowledge this with your child.
An award of 3+ to 4 is a cause for concern and will also have a further note explain the reason for this concern. This could be:
Code | Concern | Code | Concern |
Att | Attendance to lesson | Enga | Engagement |
Beh | Behaviour for learning | Cwk | Quality of classwork |
Mot | Motivation | Rev | Revision |
Res | Resilience | AE | Assessment engagement |
HwC | Completion of homework | Fbk | Response to feedback |
HwQ | Quality of homework | Equip | Equipment |
FIL | Focus in lessons |
Attitude to Homework Grades
The table below is a guide to the grades we report for Homework
Grade | Good fit descriptor |
1 | Homework is always completed on time to the best challenge standard |
2 + to 2- | Homework quality is good and it is on time, an occasional reminder may have been needed. |
3 + to 3- | Homework is not always completed on time or is of a quality below expectations and the teacher will have had to contact home to get it done to the standard required. |
4 | Homework is not done |
/ | Homework is not applicable in the subject |
Grades and Targets for Years 10 and 11
Years 10 and 11 receive targets describing what we believe their potential is for the end of year 11. We measure their achievement against these targets regularly and report it to you every half term. Below are descriptions of some of the terms we use.
Minimum Grade
This is the grade your child needs to aim for as a minimum expectation. This represents a level of challenge based on a statistical model of how well a student should do on average nationally given the same starting point, and given good attendance and attitude to learning. It uses all the information we have on your child from primary and secondary school. At the start and end of year 10 your child’s teacher may review it, so it is subject to change in year 10.
Challenge Target
This is the target that we believe your child should strive for. It is attainable and reflects what they could achieve by following their teacher’s guidance in full. Again, this will be reviewed at the start and end of year 10 to reflect your child’s potential.
Current Grade
This reflects the grade that your child is currently working at. It will be based on assessments carried out and will be averaged according to the needs of each department.
Forecast Grade
This is the grade that your child’s teacher believes they will achieve at the end of year 11 should they continue their current rate of progress. It is the best indication of what your child should achieve at GCSE.
Reporting Attainment in Years 7, 8 and 9
For each subject there is a level of expectation linked to the year group your child is in. We report three times a year how your child meets these expectations.
The descriptors we use are divided into 3 expectation bands: Exceeding, Meeting or Emerging expectations.
To help measure attainment and progress we have sub-divided these into bands using + or – symbols. For example Meeting + is a better achievement than Meeting.
A student meeting expectations should be on track for a grade 4 or better at GCSE in the future. A student exceeding expectations would be expected to achieve a grade 6 or better in that subject. Please celebrate this achievement with your child.
In year 9 for the core subjects of English maths and Science, in order to start reflecting the demands of the KS4 curriculum, students will receive a forecast GCSE band, indicating the range of grades they are currently showing potential for.
If you have any questions regarding our reporting system, please contact Mr J Cariou at jcariou@bourne.org.uk