
The Centre was built to provide additional support for 16 young people with Language and social communication needs. These needs will have been identified by the Local Authority through an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP). We offer additional support and specialised interventions to enable the young person to develop socially, academically and enable them to enjoy the benefits of being part of the college community.


Generally, students join the SSC from their primary schools at the end of Key Stage 2. Currently, there are 18 students benefitting from the additional provision and personalised interventions that are on offer.

Students will spend approximately 80% of their time with other students in mainstream lessons in the College. During these lessons, they will follow the same curriculum as the others, however, it will be differentiated and modified to suit their needs. Students in the SSC are expected to do homework like all the other students at Bourne Community College. We have high expectations that all our students will achieve to their full potential.


How we support the learning needs of young people at the Centre:

The Centre is led by the Head of the Centre, Mrs Cindy Kemp. There is a Team Leader, Mrs Fabiola Knowles and team of 11 Teaching Assistants.

The Centre has an outstanding transition programme for students joining the Centre. Parents/carers, students, primary school staff, centre staff, the Local Authority and supporting agencies are closely involved in the transition process. We start transition days early in the Spring Term and aim to have 5 transition days plus the Year 7 welcome day before the students start with us in the September.

As students reach Year 11, there is another transition programme to support the transition into the next stage of their education or training. Again, parents/carers, students, Centre staff, College staff and the Local Authority are closely involved in the transition process.
Centre staff work closely with other staff in the main College, to ensure the young people are supported in the best way possible.


What we offer students at Bourne Student Support Centre:

Before the start of the Autumn Term, a discussion will be held with Parent/carers and the student about their personalised timetable. This will mean that certain subjects will be removed from their timetable and replaced with the appropriate intervention sessions to enable the outcomes from their EHCP to be address. These interventions could include the following, depending on the young person’s individual needs, and will be delivered by trained staff generally in one to one sessions or small groups.

  • Social communication skills
  • Numeracy
  • Literacy
  • Emotional literacy
  • Fine and gross motor skills development
  • Relaxation and self-regulation techniques
  • Life Skills
  • Language development
  • Speech and Language programmes
  • Occupational therapy programmes
  • Keyboard skills

We can also offer homework support during break and lunchtimes for those young people who find doing homework at home difficult.


Progress Data for Students who have attended the BSSC:

Our first cohort of student completed Year 11 in 2017. These students and every student since, has gone on to further education and one of the local sixth forms or colleges.
All of our students have completed their GCSE with very good results.

% of students gaining at least their expected grades in English% of students gaining at least their expected grades in Maths% of students gaining at least their expected grades in ScienceNumber of Students


Additional resources available to our students:

In addition to the college facilities and resources, the Centre offers:

  • Our own ICT suite
  • Kinect physical activities
  • Our ‘Chill out’ room
  • Quiet room
  • Private garden area
  • Social/dining area for break and lunchtimes
  • ELSA
  • Social Communication and Speech and Language room
  • 1 small group working area.


Inclusion into the College community:

We pride ourselves on being a fully inclusive College and all our students are encouraged to take part in all aspects of College life. We have had students who have been Prefects, Year Council Members, Librarians, Mentors and we now have our own Student Voice group known as the Action Team. We encourage them to join extra curricula clubs such as Science club, Dance, Football, Basketball etc. They have taken part in College Concerts, Dance shows and theatre productions. They take part in the many trips that are available to all College students, including day trips and residentials. Some of these residentials have included going to Auschwitz (5 days), France for the Christmas markets (3 days), Skiing (10 days) and Spain (7 days)! We will endeavour to provide Centre staff to support them on these trips (if needed) wherever possible.


Admission into the Bourne Student Support Centre

Admissions to the Centre are decided by the Local Authority in consultation with the Head of the Centre, Headteacher and Governors at the College. Interested parents should contact the Head of the Centre to arrange a visit to the Centre to Centre to enable them to establish if they feel that it is the correct setting for their child. If after the visit, Parents/carers wish to pursue a place for their child, the Head of the Centre will want to visit the child in their current school to do an observation. The parents/carers and child will then be invited back to the Centre for the student to see what we have to offer. If all parties agree that stage 2 should be implemented parents/carers will need to contact their Local Authority for a Governors Consultation to take place.


Contact Details:

Telephone: 01243 375691(extension 271)
Direct line: 01243 386049


Head of Centre:

Mrs Cindy Kemp MA (Ed) BA (Ed) (Hons) Adv.Dip.SEN


Team Leader:

Mrs Fabiola Knowles


Learning Support Assistants:

Mr Nick Barnes
Mrs Karen Diodovich
Mrs Anna Eynon
Mrs Maggie Hooper
Mrs Keighley Martin
Miss Liz Porter
Mrs Amy Rochez (Part-time)
Mr Richard Rogers
Miss Tina Stevens
Miss Sophie Young
Mrs Kerry Young



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Bourne Community College
Bourne Community CollegeFriday, December 20th, 2024 at 7:00pm
The Rights Respecting School Ambassadors would like to thank all of the students, staff and families who gave so generously to this year's RRSA Christmas Hamper competition. Each tutor group did an amazing job and creating and filling a Christmas Hamper for local families in need. The RRSA ambassadors have now delivered all of your kind donations to the One Church in Emsworth. They are helping over 100 local families in need over Christmas so all donations will go to a good cause.

The Award for the Christmas Hamper with "most items" goes to 8MPE with 130 items, great work from that tutor group.

The Award for "best design" was harder to judge but the students eventually votes for a 1st and 2nd place Hamper.
1st place for best design was 11JNE (Christmas Tree Box)
2nd place for best design was 10PTA (Santa Claus)

Thanks again to all for the amazing support, have a relaxing Christmas.

From the Rights Respecting Schools Ambassadors
Bourne Community College
Bourne Community CollegeFriday, December 20th, 2024 at 3:00pm
We are delighted to share some great news on the final week before Christmas!

Our school has been recognized with not one, but two fantastic awards: the Silver Award from the GlobalSchool Alliance and the Intermediate International School Award from the British Council. These achievements reflect our ongoing commitment to embedding global learning into every aspect of our school community.

Building on the foundations laid by achieving the Bronze Award from the Global School Alliance and the Foundation International School Award from the British Council in 2023, we are proud to see our efforts continuing to be celebrated. These awards celebrate the hard work of our staff, students, and wider community in promoting international understanding and collaboration.

We are proud and excited to add these new recognitions to our achievements and look forward to continuing our work with both organisations and our partner schools around the world. Together, we’ll keep building a globally-minded school for our students.

#GlobalLearning #internationaleducation #ProudAchievement

Miss Patrascu
Leader of Spanish and International Co-ordinator
Bourne Community College
Bourne Community CollegeThursday, December 19th, 2024 at 7:00pm
Year 7 students of French have been working on writing their Christmas card to their new pen pals in France. The secondary school we have a partnership with are located in Caen in France. I am absolutely amazed at the effort our students have put in writing and decorating their cards.! Their pen pals will be thrilled to receive them when they come back from their Christmas holidays. Well done year 7!

Mrs A Riedmuller
Leader of MFL
Bourne Community College
Bourne Community CollegeThursday, December 19th, 2024 at 3:00pm
Students in Spanish and French classes have been creating advent calendars in their lessons this week. Working in pairs or small groups, they had to come up with a design and create it. They had to add 24 challenges in either French or Spanish, one for each day leading up to Christmas. This was a lovely creative way for them to revisit key words and structures they studied this term. We are super proud of the work they've produced!

Mrs A Riedmuller
Leader Of MFL

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