Careers Education is an important area of learning for all pupils during their time with us. The school has an established careers programme which focuses on ensuring that each pupil gains insight and experience of the world of work to help them make informed careers choices. This page explains our approach, our careers programme as well as providing links to other resources.
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We make active use of the Gatsby Benchmarks which were developed nationally and set out the principles of a good careers programme. You can find out more about the standards here:
Gatsby Benchmark for Parents/Carers
This page provides full details of our approach to careers education, our approach to managing the impact of careers education as well as information about the careers programme for each year group. If you have any questions about careers at Bourne, please contact us at:
Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG)
Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance programmes make a major contribution in preparing young people for opportunities, responsibilities and experience of life. They help young people make decisions and manage transitions as learners and workers. It is vital that all 11-16 year olds have the knowledge and skills they need to make informed choices.
Our vision is for all students to have a planned programme of activities and opportunities throughout their time at Bourne Community College, which will foster curiosity, inspire, and assist them in choosing a progression pathway that suits their individual needs. Importance will also be placed on how to manage their careers, sustain employment and achieve personal and economic wellbeing throughout their lives.
- Every student leaves year 11 with a destination secured.
- Every student has had at least 5 meaningful experiences of a workplace by the end of year 11.
- Every student has had at least one meaningful encounter with an employer by the end of year 11.
- The school keeps systematic records on each student’s experiences of career and enterprise activity.
- Every student leaves school having created a CV and had interview experience
At Bourne Community College we actively manage our careers provision in line with the Gatsby Benchmarks and use them to determine an effective careers programme that meets the needs of our students.
We are currently working towards implementing the use of regular questionnaires/surveys with parents and staff to assess the impact of the careers programme upon students. Parents/Carers will be sent an annual survey for feedback in respect of the careers provision provided for their child. We currently gain feedback, both written and verbal, at the end of all careers events. Furthermore, the impact of the careers programme is measured by the destinations of our school leavers at post-16, including apprenticeship/training offers.
- The Leader of Careers and Line Manager meet regularly to discuss the logistics of the school’s career programme, making adjustments to improve the quality of current provision and plan for future provision to be increasingly effective.
- Year 10 Work Experience takes place for one week each year. Every student is expected to participate and source their own placement, giving them responsibility and ownership of their choices. Students have to personally contact their employer to arrange an interview, discuss what is expected of them during the week, and complete a log book during their time there. Employers and students are able to evaluate the performance and progress made during the week in the log book. Success can be measured by how many students gain their own placement and receive positive reports from their employer.
- A careers fair takes place each year and is attended by all year groups. This is a growing event, with each year attracting more businesses. This event allows every student the opportunity to network with a variety of employers, receive specific careers advice and guidance, find out about other career paths, and gain confidence in speaking about their future plans. Evaluations are sort from all employers in attendance, and verbal feedback is gained in tutor time following the event.
- Careers advice and guidance 1:1, is delivered through the Chichester College Careers advice team. Appointments are made for every student in Year 10 to have impartial, individualised, careers advice. These cover options in further education, apprenticeships and training, and career opportunities in the future. It also allows them further opportunity to gain local labour market information. Evaluations are sort from the careers advisors, and verbal feedback gained from students.
- STEAM events are organised by the STEAM team for every student in the school. These are both internal and external events. Records of these are kept and impact is evaluated by the STEAM team.
- The Business Studies option in KS4, attracts between 25 and 40 students a year. This allows them to further their understanding of the business world, especially management, sales and human resources. Students often continue on to Level 3 BTEC Business at College. Many students use the Business and Finance skills they acquire in everyday adult life, especially if they go on to start up their own business or when working for other businesses.
- Local colleges visit to promote further education with students throughout KS4 and in Year 10 students get the opportunity to visit our link colleges for a taster day. However, students are encouraged to explore a wide range of colleges tailored to their own interests.
- Information about Apprenticeships is delivered each year through local colleges and the DfE’s ASK programme. In addition, we welcome independent providers to visit the school and share information about other Apprenticeship programmes. Students are also encouraged to investigate apprenticeship resources and opportunities to widen their understanding of availability in this area.
- Apprenticeships are delivered through local colleges to highlight this route through further education and is gaining in interest with students. However, students are encouraged to investigate other apprenticeship opportunities to widen their understanding of availability in this area.
- An Alumni of students who have gone on to be successful in the business world is being created. These students will be invited in to talk with our current students, highlighting their route to where they are today. This will allow our students to gain first-hand knowledge of the pathway they took through education to get to where they currently are in their career.
- Our ‘Friends of Bourne’ charity enables links with business partners for our students, and gives them an insight in to the world of work.
YEAR 7 |
All students will |
Some students will |
- Have a programme of CEIAG lessons in Personal Development
- Explore what influences their choices in life and reflect on their achievements so far
- Look at what roles they think are successful and how this is defined
- Look at skill for life and how these are transferable
- Have the opportunity to attend the Careers Fair
- A Careers Fair is held every year in the Bourne Leisure centre Sports Hall, currently attended by 30 – 40 organisations, allowing students to explore both local and organisations from the wider community
- Develop self-confidence and communication skills through engagement with employers
- Have a careers themed assembly
- An assembly takes place either with a general focus on careers or tailored to a particular area of employment. This could be a subject specific.
- Attend the STEAM Club
- Participating in Science Related investigations into STEM
- Participating in a range of activities including Greenpower, Robotics, Creating Cars, and Coding
- Have the opportunity to become student librarian
- They will participate in a range of activities relating to the job of a librarian, such as issuing and returning books, replacing books on shelves, cataloguing, helping other students with homework and running the Scholastic Book Fair
YEAR 8 |
All students will |
Some students will |
- Have a programme of CEIAG lessons in Personal Development
- Explore how school and work are different
- Show an awareness of what jobs are in different sectors of employment
- Look at what they want to gain from work
- Develop an understanding of how stereotyping can influence decisions
- Have the opportunity to attend the Careers Fair
- A Careers Fair is held every year in the Bourne Leisure centre Sports Hall, currently attended by 30 – 40 organisations, allowing students to explore both local and organisations from the wider community
- Develop self-confidence and communication skills through engagement with employers
- Have a careers themed assembly
- An assembly takes place either with a general focus on careers or tailored to a particular area of employment. This could be a subject specific.
- Will have the opportunity to become Student Ambassador for a day
- Every student has the opportunity to work as ambassador for a day. This involves working in liaison with the receptionist and carrying out a range of tasks, gaining experience of the workplace
- Charity Tenner Challenge
- Each tutor group has to prepare a presentation to perform in assembly on a charity they have chosen, through small group presentation and the voting process.
- Each tutor group are given £10.00, following their presentation, to begin preparations for 6 weeks of charity fundraising.
- Students develop not only their presentation skills, but also the skills of empathy and enterprise
- Attend the STEAM Club
- Participating in a range of activities including Greenpower, Robotics, Creating Cars, and Coding
- Take part in a G & T day at HSDC to introduce to subjects linked to higher level career choices
- Students will participate in a range of subjects aimed at inspiring them to think about their future choices and aiming for higher level professions
- Visit a University Campus as part of a widening participation event
- Students will have the opportunity to engage with a local university for subject specific events_
- Will have the opportunity to experience work related learning with an employer
- Students will have the opportunity to visit a local business and learn about what they do and the impact this has on the wider community
YEAR 9 |
All students will |
Some students will |
- Have a programme of CEIAG lessons in Personal Development
- Develop their understanding of how the world of work is changing and the skills that they need in order to do well in their future life and career
- Carry out research into careers
- Develop an understanding of what a CV is and the importance of this to their future. Create a CV to be saved an updated at regular intervals
- make well informed choices about their future lives
- Have the opportunity to attend the Careers Fair
- A Careers Fair is held every year in the Bourne Leisure centre Sports Hall, currently attended by 30 – 40 organisations, allowing students to explore both local and organisations from the wider community
- Develop self-confidence and communication skills through engagement with employers
- Have an options assembly
- An assembly takes place on the KS4 options to ensure students understand the process.
- Every student receives a general overview of option subjects through Personal Development lessons
- Option booklets are issued to every student so as they can make an informed decision on their future choices
- Have a careers themed assembly
- An assembly takes place either with a general focus on careers or tailored to a particular area of employment. This could be a subject specific.
- Attend the STEAM Club
- Participating in a range of activities including Greenpower, Robotics, Creating Cars, and Coding
- Visit a University Campus as part of a widening participation event
- Students will have the opportunity to engage with a local university for subject specific events
- Participate in volunteering through their Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Award
- Students participating will take on a volunteering role, in an establishment of their choice, as part of their award
- Visit College Open Evenings
- These will be advertised within the college so students are informed and can choose to attend
YEAR 10 |
All students will |
Some students will |
- Have a programme of CIAEG lessons in Personal Development
- Identifying skills and qualities. Reflect on achievements and interests.
- Reflect on employability skills
- Write a C.V.
- Exploration of different careers
- Explore further and higher education
- Have the opportunity to attend the Careers Fair
- A Careers Fair is held every year in the Bourne Leisure centre Sports Hall, currently attended by 30 – 40 organisations, allowing students to explore both local and organisations from the wider community
- Develop self-confidence and communication skills through engagement with employers
- Have CV writing sessions in Personal Development
- Updating their CV, taking into account experience of any workplace, volunteering oppportunities, qualifications achieved etc
- Have a mock interview with an employer
- Preparing for an interview with a local employer
- Taking CV to the interview
- Carrying out a 15 minute 1:1 interview with an employer
- Developing self-confidence and communication skills
- Participate in Work Experience for one week
- Carrying out a range of activities in preparation for work experience
- Taking on personal responsibility for gaining a placement
- Having a meaningful experience in the work place, completing a log book documenting daily activities, comparison of self-confidence at beginning and end of week, and achieving a successful supervisors report
- Have a careers themed assembly
- An assembly takes place either with a general focus on careers or tailored to a particular area of employment. This could be a subject specific.
- Have a college taster day assembly
- Local further education college assemblies take place to promote taster days and opportunities for students when they visit
- Have a presentation on apprenticeships from HSDC
- Presentation on the range of apprenticeships available, what each is, and how and when to apply
- Will have the opportunity for 1:1 Careers Advice
- Students will receive 1:1 support from qualified careers advisors from Chichester College to help them plan their future pathway
- Visit College Open Evenings
- These will be advertised within the college so students are informed and can choose to attend
- Attend the STEM Club
- Participating in a range of activities including Greenpower, Robotics, Creating Cars, and Coding
- Visit a University Campus as part of a widening participation event
- Students will have the opportunity to engage with a local university for subject specific events
- Participate in volunteering through their Silver Duke of Edinburgh Award
- Students participating will take on a volunteering role, in an establishment of their choice, as part of their award
YEAR 11 |
All students will |
Some students will |
- Have the opportunity to attend the Careers Fair
- A Careers Fair is held every year in the Bourne Leisure centre Sports Hall, currently attended by 30 – 40 organisations, allowing students to explore both local and organisations from the wider community
- Develop self-confidence and communication skills through engagement with employers
- Have a careers themed assembly
- An assembly takes place either with a general focus on careers or tailored to a particular area of employment. This could be a subject specific.
- Make their college applications
- understand the options open to them once they leave school, identify their priorities and explain the decisions they eventually make
- Students are guided and encouraged to make their applications to college before the end of December in order to secure a place. This can be done online.
- Students considering an apprenticeship are encouraged to apply for a full-time course to ensure they have a place on a course for the September. This is in case they are unable to secure an apprenticeship.
- Will have the opportunity for 1:1 Careers Advice
- Students will receive 1:1 support from qualified careers advisors from Chichester College to help them plan their future pathway
- Visit College Open Evenings
- These will be advertised within the college so students are informed and can choose to attend
- Have access to a variety of college prospectuses both in the College Library and in Personal Development
- Will have at least 8 encounters with employers during their time with us
- Have the opportunity to take part in events aimed at raising aspirations
- Will have the opportunity to take part in subject related careers activities/visits