Homework at Bourne Community College
Homework at secondary school can have a positive impact on students’ progress and therefore we believe setting homework is an important tool to help all students achieve and progress in their learning journey at Bourne. At Bourne Community College we recognize the importance of out of class study to consolidate our students learning and develop their skills as independent learners. All students are expected to participate with independent learning either at home or in college.
The Purpose of Homework
- Consolidates and strengthens the skills and knowledge developed at school.
- Develops independent study skills.
- Encourages students to take initiative and responsibility for completing a task at home.
- Ensures students have the opportunity to extend their learning by applying skills to new situations outside the classroom.
Changes this year for all students Homework
- Homework will be set on google classroom which parents will have access to.
- Maths, English, Science, Humanities and Languages will each have a dedicated after school support session for homework each week.
Homework Timetable Year 7
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Accelerated Reader
Sparx Maths
Year 7 Homework
This year we are introducing a Year 7 Homework policy based on educational research and communication with students, staff and parents. Throughout the year, the policy will be reviewed and reflected upon to improve homework at Bourne Community College.
- A homework schedule will be set as a guide for students and parents.
- Independent learning tasks will be set by some subject areas (see below).
- The amount of homework set will start small and will be increased steadily throughout the year to allow students to build successful habits in completing their homework.
Subjects will set either;
- Subject Specific activities designed to consolidate the current topic learning.
- Independent Learning Tasks (ILT) – Projects designed to consolidate learning in the subject and encourage independent learning.
- Revise for upcoming tests
Independent Learning Tasks (ILT): Project based learning designed to promote curiosity whilst developing an understanding. ILT will be different per task, however, they are designed for the students to complete independently; they will be open-ended; and could contain a choice on how they are completed.
Year 8-11 Homework
Subjects will set either;
- Independent Learning Tasks (ILT) – Projects designed to consolidate learning in the subject and encourage independent learning.
- Subject Specific activities designed to consolidate the current topic learning.
- Revise for upcoming module tests or full GCSE exams.
- Completion of subject coursework specific to the stage they have reached.