Categories: News
Posted on 08 Apr 22 by

Dear Parents & Carers

Thanking you all for your support this term, which has been full of opportunities and sheer hard work, especially for our Year 11, who have revised so well for their mocks and have been superstars in all their exams.

Updates this week –

Police Notice
We have been advised by the local Police that local children are planning a large outdoor gathering today, possibly in Arundel, so parents need to be aware of where their children are going today and this weekend.  They will deal with any ASB or alcohol related disorder they find.


Covid Guidelines
This is the latest guidance we have received –
Individuals can still reduce the risk of catching and passing on COVID-19 by:

  1. Getting vaccinated;
  2. Letting fresh air in if meeting indoors, or meeting outside;
  3. Wearing a face covering in crowded and enclosed spaces, especially where you come into contact with people you do not usually meet, when rates of transmission are high;
  4. Trying to stay at home if you are unwell;
  5. Taking a test if you have COVID-19 symptoms, and staying at home and avoiding contact with other people if you test positive; and
  6. Washing your hands and following advice to ‘Catch it, Bin it, Kill it’.


Inset Day
A reminder that we have an Inset Day on Monday 25 April 2022, students return on Tuesday 25 April 2022.  The last day of term will be Thursday 21 July 2022.
Term dates and Inset Days for next year to follow.


Year 11
Revision Plans – there will be revision sessions in the holiday for Childcare and Science.  Students have been given a letter with all the details and further details of other sessions will be issued after Easter by Mrs Whitlock.

Year 11 return to school on Tuesday 26 April 2022 as with all other students.


Facebook Page
We have now launched a new Facebook Page, which we hope will have a larger audience than our Twitter page.  Please do check it out for information and instant good news stories.

The link is


We have also published our end of term newsletter to show off some of our wonderful activities this term.  The newsletter can be found on our website too , so do peruse and enjoy.


Staff News
Sadly we are saying goodbye to Mr Charles Colley and Mrs Vicky Smith, who are both leaving the Bourne Community College to pursue their personal adventures with their families.  We sincerely thank them both for all their amazing input to the school and the wonderful support they have given since they stated with us in 2004 and 2002 respectively.

We will miss them both, but thank them and wish them the very best for the future.


Finally, wishing you all a great Easter break and lots of relaxation time with your families.

Kind regards


Yvonne Watkins


Bourne Community College
Bourne Community CollegeTuesday, December 3rd, 2024 at 3:00pm
Dear Parents & Carers
We have been asked to share this information with you – course dates are Wednesday 4th, 11th and 18th December.

THE DIGITAL DILEMMA: Keeping Your Kids Safe Online

Our colleagues in the Police South East Cyber Crime Unit based in Thames Valley Police are running a free webinar to help parents and carers understand some of the risks young people face online, and how they can best protect themselves and their family from falling victim to cyber criminal behaviours!

Covering social media, gaming and emails, this webinar will give you tips and tricks to help you protect them in today’s online world.

The webinar is running three times over the next few weeks, and tickets are available here:

Kind regards
Mrs Sharma Head teacher
Bourne Community College
Bourne Community CollegeMonday, December 2nd, 2024 at 5:00pm
Bourne Community College's Careers Fair took place Tuesday 26th November 2024. We welcomed many local businesses and organisations as they inspired and enlightened students to the many opportunities and future prospects that are available. A huge thanks to all the businesses who gave up their time to visit us.

British Army @britisharmy @everyoneactive Everyone Active @creationshairuk City of Portsmouth College Peter Ashley Activity Centres @peterashleyactivitycentres @petaapprentices PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) Saab @saab Chichester College @chi_college Royal Navy @royalnavy Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Sussex Police @sussexpoliceforce
Bourne Community College
Bourne Community CollegeFriday, November 29th, 2024 at 5:00pm
The PE department invited parents to join them in a game of Table Tennis, Badminton or Basketball during Open Evening 2024.

Students and staff proudly displayed trophy’s won during competitions and students spoke fondly of their sporting success in and out of the classroom.
Bourne Community College
Bourne Community CollegeThursday, November 28th, 2024 at 5:00pm
Drama students, during our Open Evening 2024, showed parents a sneak preview of the play they are working on.

Our talented theatrical students have put everything into their latest show. The cast have been excited and enthusiastic to perform The School of Rock. The technicality and musical skill required have given students a performance that offers many challenges. When the news of Open Evening arrived, students wanted to perform extracts of the play to a live audience.

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