Thursday 20th August 2020
Dear Year 11
I’m delighted to be able to share your GCSE results with you today. These are a testament to your hard work and perseverance over many years.
I wanted to take the opportunity to explain how your results were determined this year. As you know, this year’s GCSE results had to be awarded differently from usual, after exams were unable to go ahead due to Covid-19. Schools and colleges were asked to use their professional experience to make a fair and objective judgement of the grades they believed a student would have achieved had they sat their exams this year, and to submit these centre-assessed grades (CAGs) to the relevant exam board.
Groups of your teachers and leaders in each subject worked together to discuss and agree the centre-assessed grade for each student. They took into account a wide range of available evidence, including class work, mock exams and other records of student performance.
The intention was that the exam boards would then moderate the CAGs, to check that schools and colleges had approached this task consistently, before providing students with their final calculated grades. Unfortunately, as you will no doubt be aware, the method they used to do this proved problematic, and was likely to lead to many grades being unfairly downgraded.
The government therefore made the decision that GCSE and A level students would be awarded whichever was higher for each subject – their CAG or their calculated grade. This is what the grades you’re receiving today are based on.
If you’re unhappy with any of your results, I’d encourage you in the first instance to contact Mr Carter or Mr Colley. They will be able to discuss your concerns, and advise you on any next steps. You may also want to talk to the sixth form or college you plan to go to and I would advise you do that as soon as you can. Most Colleges are doing drop in days or a help desk today for you all.
If you want to resit any of your exams, the current plan is for a full series of exams to take place in November.We don’t yet have full details of how this will work, but please let us know if that’s something you’d like to discuss.
Congratulations again for everything you’ve achieved in this most difficult of years.
You have been real stars and I wish you all the best for your futures.
Keep on aiming for the best you can be……..
Yvonne Watkins
19th August 2020
Dear Parents and Carers ,
As per Mr Carter’s Email, we look forward to seeing our Year 11 tomorrow morning at their allocated time to receive their G.C.S.E results.
All information can be accessed on GO4 schools from 9.00 a.m and then students can come in to pick up their results which will be on headed note paper from the school. They can then take this with them to the Colleges / employers to embark on their next stage of learning.
We ask that the allocated times are respected, as is social distancing at a very exciting time, for a great year group.
With kind regards from myself and all the staff.
Yvonne Watkins
17th August 2020
Dear Year 11,
With GCSE results planned to be released this Thursday, we all understand that you may be feeling particularly nervous about your results. Rest assured that staff will be on hand to offer advice/support and we are in touch with the Colleges too. We will keep you updated if we have any further information and look forward to seeing you all on Thursday.
Best wishes
Mrs Watkins and all the staff
Dear Parent/Carer,
I hope you and your families are well and that all the Yr11 students are looking forward to their next step at college or apprenticeship in September. I just wanted to update you with the latest important information for everyone in Year11.
Results Day
Results day, as everything this year, will be a little different. Results will be published on your child’s Go4Schools profile by 9:00am on Thursday 20th August. Please check you or your child have working login details for Go4Schools before the day using the link below.
If you have problems with logging in please first try resetting your password using the forgotten password link on Go4Schools. If you still have issues please email, it may take up to 48 hours to respond.
Students may also visit the school to collect paper copies of these results on Thursday 20th August. Please note this will not be the formal certificates (see below). If students wish to come in to collect their grades they will need to do so individually following the timetable below, only individual students will be allowed in the main hall, following social distancing guidelines.
Surname | Time |
A-B | 9:15-9:30 |
C | 9:30-9:45 |
D-G | 9:45-10:00 |
H-I | 10:00-10:15 |
J-L | 10:15-10:30 |
M-Q | 10:30-10:45 |
R | 10:45-11:00 |
S | 11:00-11:15 |
T-Y | 11:15-11:30 |
GCSE Certificates
GCSE Certificates will be issued by exam boards at the beginning of November. This year, due to the COVID restrictions, certificates will be posted using Recorded Delivery to the last address we have on file for each student. It is vital therefore, that we are notified of any change of address before November as exam boards charge students approx. £40 per certificate for replacements.
DofE Certificates
If you have a Bronze or Silver DofE Certificate, these will be available for you on results day. If you are unable to make it in to school, we will post them to you.
The venue will guarantee our Prom booking and have advised us to speak to them in September, when they will have better guidance information. As you will understand we do not want to rush into a date for the Prom only to have it cancelled again so we will proceed with caution but will look forward to a very special Prom as soon as we can.
Parent Pay
If you have money left on our parent pay system, our finance department are working during the summer to ensure you are refunded and we will update you as soon we have details of the process.
I have been very proud to be the leader of year for this group of students over the last 5 years and it has been amazing to watch them mature and grow in confidence and ability. I wish every student well on the next step of their journey. We will keep in touch, if any contact information changes please let us know via
Take care
Mark Carter
Leader of Year 11