Dear Parents & Carers
As we approach the Easter break, we want to share lots of successes with you for this term as seen in our newsletter which you can find on our website at:
In addition, I would like to thank you for all your support, for all our students and particularly Year 11 who have done so well with their Mock Exams and post Mock interventions, during a tough year of exam preparations.
Thank you for all those who attended our recent Year 7 Parents Evening, a survey for you will follow shortly, so please do fill it in, so we can ensure we can address any concerns.
We regularly listen to Student voice and the focus this term has been on:
- Uniform and offering a new skirt to years 10 /11 which we will secure for September
- Canteen provision and prices
- Sports options for all students
Students have again been thinking of others, supporting our local charities this half-term; Off the Record in February and last week for the Chichester Food Bank and this week for Stonepillow. These are charities chosen by the students and we are really impressed by their generosity to others, less fortunate than themselves.
As we near the end of term, we will celebrate their achievements for the term in our Celebration Assemblies and wish you all a very happy and restful Easter. We look forward to seeing them all again on Monday 17 April for the beginning of the Summer term.
Kind regards,
Yvonne Watkins