Dear Families,
Happy New Year! I am writing to welcome all students and families back as we start a fresh term and to extend a warm welcome to our students, families and staff. New beginnings are always a mix of excitement and feeling anxious. However our students have returned feeling refreshed after the break. Key Stage 3 (Yrs 7, 8 and 9) tell me school is fun and ‘all is good’. Senior classes (Key Stage 4 (Years 10 & 11) have returned feeling more confident and continue to be a positive influence in our community.
It will not surprise you that in Summer 2024, our top achievers had around 97% attendance. We made impressive leaps in our whole school attendance figures (consistently meeting or surpassing national figures) last term. It is a reminder to us all that when we work together we can do great things for our young people. I am proud to share that we maintain a high record in our first week. With the weather turning bitterly cold, your support with encouraging students to come into school will be hugely valued. Should they feel unwell, our qualified staff will contact you and work with you to ensure students are supported. Time off school creates gaps in students learning and disadvantages students. Attendance, reading and talk are the backbone of all we achieve.
If we can support you in any way in raising these expectations then do let us know. If you need support in getting your child to school ON TIME please contact your child’s tutor or their Leader of Year. Do email us at and your request will be directed.
Thank you to parents of Year 9 students for their attendance at the Parents’ Evening this week, on Thursday 9 January. It is an important year for them to make choices for options at Key Stage 4. Your time in supporting teachers in keeping our students on track is vital and much valued. Thank you.
Next week, we have the Year 11 photos, their final group and individual photos in school will be taken on Wednesday 15 January. I look forward to sharing this with them.
Revision sessions for all GCSE subjects is ongoing, please encourage your son/daughter to attend, sessions not only cover topics taught some while ago, but also vital exam skills.
Finally, Governors at Bourne have requested me to explore how the school can meet the DfE guidance on length of school week. You can read the guidance here. We are currently slightly under the Government recommendations. This means that the length of our school week needs to be longer. I am excited to explore all opportunities for us to be creative in meeting this guidance and would welcome your participation. If you are able to spare time to attend a few meeting this term I would like to welcome you to join a working party. Staff, parents and Governors are invited to join the party. Please send your expression of interest via an email to or alternatively, please call the school Reception and leave a message.
Thank you for your continued support and I wish you all a safe week ahead.
Kind regards.
Mrs A Sharma
Head teacher