Categories: Staff News
Posted on 05 Mar 24 by

Dear Families,

We are back in full swing now after the Activities week, work experience in Yr10 and the second set of Yr11 Mocks.  Students at school had a range of engaging activities and opportunities for personal development.   Thank you to all for your contributions in making this possible.

In my assemblies, I emphasised the importance of being determined and what it looks like to show determination in learning.  I asked the students to focus on – attendance to school, take ownership of their timetables and turn up to the lessons on time; punctuality, and finally not give up when they don’t succeed the first time.

Although this is a shorter half term, it is packed with action.  Yr10s will start the Prefect application process, as Year 11 prepare for their summer exams and are ready to hand over the baton.  Please note that this Friday 8 March is an INSET day; the school will remain closed for all students.

Finally, I will re-iterate with families too, the importance of attending school every day and on time.  Please encourage students to come in – if they are poorly, we will get in touch.  Students benefit from a bit of resilience and many do feel better, once they are in school and with friends.  We adhere to our values of Kindness, Respect and Determination and work with and support our families in resolving matters.

Kind regards

Mrs. Sharma
Head teacher


Bourne Community College
Bourne Community CollegeFriday, December 20th, 2024 at 7:00pm
The Rights Respecting School Ambassadors would like to thank all of the students, staff and families who gave so generously to this year's RRSA Christmas Hamper competition. Each tutor group did an amazing job and creating and filling a Christmas Hamper for local families in need. The RRSA ambassadors have now delivered all of your kind donations to the One Church in Emsworth. They are helping over 100 local families in need over Christmas so all donations will go to a good cause.

The Award for the Christmas Hamper with "most items" goes to 8MPE with 130 items, great work from that tutor group.

The Award for "best design" was harder to judge but the students eventually votes for a 1st and 2nd place Hamper.
1st place for best design was 11JNE (Christmas Tree Box)
2nd place for best design was 10PTA (Santa Claus)

Thanks again to all for the amazing support, have a relaxing Christmas.

From the Rights Respecting Schools Ambassadors
Bourne Community College
Bourne Community CollegeFriday, December 20th, 2024 at 3:00pm
We are delighted to share some great news on the final week before Christmas!

Our school has been recognized with not one, but two fantastic awards: the Silver Award from the GlobalSchool Alliance and the Intermediate International School Award from the British Council. These achievements reflect our ongoing commitment to embedding global learning into every aspect of our school community.

Building on the foundations laid by achieving the Bronze Award from the Global School Alliance and the Foundation International School Award from the British Council in 2023, we are proud to see our efforts continuing to be celebrated. These awards celebrate the hard work of our staff, students, and wider community in promoting international understanding and collaboration.

We are proud and excited to add these new recognitions to our achievements and look forward to continuing our work with both organisations and our partner schools around the world. Together, we’ll keep building a globally-minded school for our students.

#GlobalLearning #internationaleducation #ProudAchievement

Miss Patrascu
Leader of Spanish and International Co-ordinator
Bourne Community College
Bourne Community CollegeThursday, December 19th, 2024 at 7:00pm
Year 7 students of French have been working on writing their Christmas card to their new pen pals in France. The secondary school we have a partnership with are located in Caen in France. I am absolutely amazed at the effort our students have put in writing and decorating their cards.! Their pen pals will be thrilled to receive them when they come back from their Christmas holidays. Well done year 7!

Mrs A Riedmuller
Leader of MFL
Bourne Community College
Bourne Community CollegeThursday, December 19th, 2024 at 3:00pm
Students in Spanish and French classes have been creating advent calendars in their lessons this week. Working in pairs or small groups, they had to come up with a design and create it. They had to add 24 challenges in either French or Spanish, one for each day leading up to Christmas. This was a lovely creative way for them to revisit key words and structures they studied this term. We are super proud of the work they've produced!

Mrs A Riedmuller
Leader Of MFL

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