Dear Families,
We are back in full swing now after the Activities week, work experience in Yr10 and the second set of Yr11 Mocks. Students at school had a range of engaging activities and opportunities for personal development. Thank you to all for your contributions in making this possible.
In my assemblies, I emphasised the importance of being determined and what it looks like to show determination in learning. I asked the students to focus on – attendance to school, take ownership of their timetables and turn up to the lessons on time; punctuality, and finally not give up when they don’t succeed the first time.
Although this is a shorter half term, it is packed with action. Yr10s will start the Prefect application process, as Year 11 prepare for their summer exams and are ready to hand over the baton. Please note that this Friday 8 March is an INSET day; the school will remain closed for all students.
Finally, I will re-iterate with families too, the importance of attending school every day and on time. Please encourage students to come in – if they are poorly, we will get in touch. Students benefit from a bit of resilience and many do feel better, once they are in school and with friends. We adhere to our values of Kindness, Respect and Determination and work with and support our families in resolving matters.
Kind regards
Mrs. Sharma
Head teacher