- Student Council Survey
- Rules for Keeping Safe in School – 20 June 2020
- Parents update – 19 June 2020
- Yr 9 Parents Guidelines for on-line learning
- Back to School Assembly
- Friday 12 June 2020 – Message to Parents
- Friday 5 June 2020 – Letter to all Parents, Letter to Yr10 Parents – Guidelines for on-line learning, Yr11 Prom update
- Thursday 28 May 2020 – Letter to Year 10 Parents
- Thursday 21 May 2020 – Plans for possible reopening after half term plus video from Mrs Watkins
- Letter from Mrs Watkins and Parents letter from WSCC
- “Adopt a Ward” and “Thinking of you” at Western Sussex Hospitals
- Letter from Mrs Watkins – 12-5-20
- Letter to Year 11 and Careers Information – 1-5-20
- Student and Parent Surveys
- Discovery Bulletin
- West Sussex County Council Letters
- 40 Things to do over Easter
- Free Daily Resources for Children
- Staff Email Addresses
- Links to Online Resources
- Need help with Online Resources?
- Top Parenting Tips for Parents and Carers in uncertain times
- Wellbeing Guidance
- Year 7 & 8 PE with Mr Davidson
Student Council Survey
This survey is designed by students for students. It has been created by the Chairs of Year 7, 8, 9 and 10 Councils. This will inform Mrs Watkins and her leadership team.
Rules for Keeping Safe in School
Parents Update 19 June 2020
Dear Parents and Carers
The week of announcements
This has been another very interesting week both in school and nationally; with big announcements from the Government related to schools. We awoke on Friday to good news that there will be more funding for schools and we certainly welcome this and await to see how we can implement this for our students at the Bourne.
Year 10 Sessions
We were also delighted to see our Year 10 students in school on Monday, responding so maturely during their Face to Face sessions. They have now been invited into school for one day a week from Monday 22nd to work closely with their teachers on their studies and learning and to prepare for next year.
Years 7/ 8/ 9
We now want to safely invite more students into school to check in on them before the end of term and see where they are in preparation for September. Our plan therefore is that, we will hold Face to Face tutorials with Years 7 / 8 /9 before the end of term and you will hear shortly from the Year Leaders giving more information and guidance on how these will be organised.
Wider reopening of the school
As the school re opens to more students this term and more staff are back in school, work will be set as usual for all students. Staff will respond with feedback and emails but perhaps not as swiftly as before and I ask for your understanding on this. We will also let you know our plans for September after the Government announcement that all schools will now open in September.
Health and safety
Our focus for planning of all these sessions is to ensure we keep students and staff as safe as possible. Compliance with our expectations around hygiene and social distancing are vital in maintaining the safety and confidence of students and staff. We ask for your support on reinforcing this crucial message to our young learners and thank you in advance.
Please keep checking the website for more information and do not hesitate to get in touch.
Wishing you a restful weekend.
Kind regards
Yvonne Watkins
Yr 9 Parents Guidelines for on-line learning
Dear Parents and Carers
Since the school closure, we have been trialling the use of different video conference platforms, to deliver some live, online sessions. We believe these can be of benefit for students as they offer the opportunity for more interaction with a teacher.
We are increasing these session now to Year 9 using Google Meet. We do not anticipate all lessons will be delivered in this way, but staff will do so where this is possible.
‘Live online lessons’ may be shorter than 50 minutes and may be more ‘tutorial style’ sessions so students have the opportunity to ask and answer questions; it will be up to staff to decide what suits each particular class at that moment in time. We also recognise that for some families it may not always be possible for a student to join a class, so students should continue to use Go4School and/or Google Classroom for independent study, emailing their teachers to request support with any queries they may have.
Live sessions will not follow a timetable, but details will be posted on Go4Schools (shown as a homework task) so that students are aware of the timings of any sessions they could attend. Form Tutors may also make increasing use of Google Meet to arrange Tutor sessions and these will also show on Go4Schools.
For these sessions to be successful and safe, students will need to agree to the following rules for live lessons:
- They may only join the session if they are logged into Google using their school email address.
- Links to the session cannot be shared with anyone not on the original class distribution list.
- Students must be dressed appropriately (no pyjamas), they should check the background to their image to ensure it is appropriate and contains no personal or inappropriate material.
- Their participation in this video lesson is covered by our Acceptable use of IT Policy
- Please be aware that ‘normal’ classroom expectations of behaviour will apply and students may be ejected from a meeting and future meetings if they fail to follow these expectations.
- Students are not permitted to record or share any images from any video conference lesson
The following constitute good practice. Students should:
- Log on to the session 5 minutes before the start time
- Have any resources required available (open on a device or printed) before the ‘lesson’
- Ensure the image is clear once they are logged on
- Ensure they know how to turn off their microphone and video as this may be required at points in the lesson.
- Turn off their microphone please if there is a large amount of background noise
- Ensure they can use the chat function to text the teacher if they would like to ask a question during the session, as staff may mute each student’s microphone and request the use of the chat function as appropriate
We ask for your support in meeting the rules above and where possible, that parents check in to see how the lesson is proceeding.
All live lessons will be recorded by the school in order that any issues or incidents can be investigated afterwards. These copies will be stored in line with the school’s data protection policies on approved platforms and will not be shared with other students. Recordings will be deleted after 12 months.
I hope that this will add to your child’s engagement with and enjoyment of the online learning we have in place. Can I also take this opportunity to thank you for all the work you are doing to support your children in completing the work we are setting online.
Yours sincerely
Yvonne Watkins
Back to School Assembly
Friday 12 June 2020 – Message to Parents
Dear Parents & Carers
I hope that you and your families are all well. I would just like to update you on our plans and activities –
Year 10
We are preparing to welcome our Year 10 in next week for 1:1 sessions, with further subject sessions as from 22 June 2020.
Virtual/Live Online Sessions
Staff are gradually increasing some virtual/live lessons and are letting students know on Go4Schools when these are happening. The lessons may not be the same time as the actual timetable, so do please get your child to check on Go4Schools for timings.
We have had a few enquiries about laptops, as they seem to be very much in the news at the moment. We have received 40 laptops from the National Grid through our link with the charity Business2Schools and these have been allocated to students.
As yet we have NOT received any from the Government but we are hoping that they will arrive very soon. The priority for these will be for Year 10 and for those students who are more vulnerable and disadvantaged.
As a school we do need more laptops and are grateful to our Fundraiser Mrs Dartmouth, who has been working to secure these and to those parents who are helping too. If you do have any laptops in good condition that you would be willing to donate to the school, or if you have any contacts who may be able to help, please contact Mrs Dartmouth – email
Finally, thank you for all your support and as always, please contact us if we can help in any further way.
Wishing you all a lovely weekend.
Kind regards
Yvonne Watkins
Friday 12 June 2020 – Letter to all Parents, Letter to Yr10 Parents – Guidelines for on-line learning, Yr11 Prom update
Letter to all Parents from YW – Friday 5/6/2020
Dear Parents and Carers
I hope you have all had a good half term and enjoyed the beautiful weather and that all the children are settling back into the Home Learning and their routines.
Year 11 –
We anticipate that Year 11 will have heard from the Colleges by now about their plans for next year. If you have any questions on this please do contact the Colleges and / or Mr Carter who is happy to assist and will be in touch very soon. We are sad that so much has been postponed for Year 11 who have worked brilliantly this year and we wish them all the very best and hope to see them at a later date for their Prom. (Letter from Mr Carter to follow)
Year 10 –
Further details will soon be with you and we look forward to welcoming many of this year group back on June 15 for their Face to Face Sessions, or talking to them with their telephone consultation.
The gradual re-opening of the school for Year 10 is crucial and we ask all parents for their support with the guidelines we are sending out to ensure the safety of all students and staff.
Years 7/8/9 –
I am so impressed with how well you have risen to the challenge of Home Learning and we love seeing all your ‘discoveries’. Please do keep sending them in and look out for our next Discovery Bulletin on the website next week.
I would like to thank you all, parents, carers and students for your continued support and understanding during this difficult time and if you have any concerns please do contact us for support and advice.
Kind regards
Yvonne Watkins
Letter to Yr 10 Parents Guidelines for on-line learning 5/6/2020
Dear Parents and Carers
Since the school closure, we have been trialling the use of different video conference platforms, to deliver a few live, online sessions. We believe these can be of benefit for students as they offer the opportunity for interaction with a teacher and can provide a more ‘normal’ lesson environment.
With immediate effect we are hoping to offer more opportunities for students to experience these sessions using Google Meet. We are not insisting that all staff undertake this, or that all lessons are delivered in this way, but we are encouraging staff to pilot this with Year 10 students.
‘Live online lessons’ may be shorter than 50 minutes and may be more ‘tutorial style’ sessions where students have the opportunity to ask and answer questions; it will be up to staff to decide what suits each particular class at that moment in time. We also recognise that for some families it may not always be possible for a student to join a class, so students should continue to use Go4School and/or google classroom for independent study, emailing their teachers to request support with any queries they may have.
For these sessions to be successful and safe, students will need to agree to the following rules for live lessons:
- They may only join the session if they are logged into Google using their school email address.
- Links to the session cannot be shared with anyone not on the original class distribution list.
- Students must be dressed appropriately (no pyjamas), they should check the background to their image to ensure it is appropriate and contains no personal or inappropriate material.
- Their participation in this video lesson is covered by our Acceptable use Policy
- Please be aware that ‘normal’ classroom expectations of behaviour will apply and students may be ejected from a meeting and future meetings if they fail to follow these expectations.
- Students are not permitted to record or share any images from any video conference lesson
The following constitute good practice. Students should:
- Log on to the session 5 minutes before the start time
- Have any resources required available (open on a device or printed) before the ‘lesson’
- Ensure the image is clear once they are logged on
- Ensure they know how to turn off their microphone and video as this may be required at points in the lesson.
- Turn off their microphone please if there is a large amount of background noise
- Ensure they can use the chat function to text the teacher if they would like to ask a question during the session, as staff may mute each student’s microphone and request the use of the chat function as appropriate
We ask for your support in meeting the rules above and where possible, that parents check in to see how the lesson is proceeding.
All live lessons will be recorded by the school in order that any issues or incidents can be investigated afterwards. These copies will be stored in line with the school’s data protection policies on approved platforms and will not be shared with other students. Recordings will be deleted after 12 months.
I hope that this will add to your child’s engagement with and enjoyment of the online learning we have in place. We also want to take this opportunity to thank you for all the work you are doing to support your children in completing the work we are setting online.
Yours sincerely
Yvonne Watkins
Letter for Year 11 05/06/2020
Dear Parent/Carer,
Just to update you about plans for the Year 11 Prom. We still plan to hold a Prom for all Year 11 students when it is appropriate for us to do so. We feel it is important for this particular year group to be able to celebrate the end of their schooling in such an unusual year and the staff look forward to joining them for this special occasion.
The Year 11 Prom was planned for 18 June 2020, it is now not possible to hold the event on this date. We have spoken to the event organiser at the Langstone Quay Resort and they will support us with rescheduling and we will continue to work with them to rearrange this important evening.
Unfortunately due to the continually changing guidelines we are not able to provide any further details of a date for the Year 11 Prom at this time. We will update you all in September as there may be further information available then to provide a date for our Year 11 Prom. We will give plenty of notice for a firm date so that students have time to prepare. Any money that has been paid has been recorded and kept safe. We will keep you all informed of progress when we have further information. We will of course follow
Government guidelines regarding the planning of this activity.
If you have any queries or questions please do not hesitate to contact me at
Kind Regards
Mark Carter
Leader of Year 11
Thursday 28 May 2020 – Letter for Year 10 Parents
Dear Parents and Carers of Year 10
In light of the Government announcement for secondary schools, I wanted to let you know that we will be adjusting our plans slightly for after half term:
- Year 10 will now not come into school until the 15th June and this will be for a tutorial only with full safety measures and social distancing in place.
- Appointments will be organised by Mr Griggs and Mrs Whitlock
- We appreciate that some parents have already replied to let us know their preference either for a Face To Face tutorial or a phone call for the student. If you have not already done so please let us know your preference and reply to Mrs Whitlock –
Kind regards,
Yvonne Watkins
Thursday 21 May 2020 – Plans for possible reopening after half term
Dear Parents/Carers
Dear Parents/Carers
Planning for a phased return to school at some stage after 1st June
Firstly, I hope that you are all safe and well. This has been a difficult time, and I am sure that for the majority of parents the extended closure of schools due to Coronavirus has not been easy. As I said last week, plans for re-opening are being drafted, with the caveat that we await the Government announcement on 28 May 2020.
We are aware some parents and students may feel concerned about coming back and others will be quite keen. Whatever your feelings and whichever year group your child is in, we would like to reassure you that our plans and thoughts for the planning process are based on our assessment, following Government guidance.
We want to ensure that we can keep both students and staff safe, and that the benefits to students outweigh any increased risks of infection.
As part of our planning, we will be consulting with parents/carers, staff and Governors before putting any phased return into action. This letter is merely the first stage of that process.
Outline summary:
- The Government have asked us to plan for Year 10 to have some face to face contact next half term “From June 1, we expect that secondary schools and colleges will be able to offer some face-to-face contact with year 10 and year 12 pupils. This will not be a return to full timetables or pupils back in school or college full-time, rather some support to supplement pupils’ remote education“.
- We have started the planning process to make this happen
- Safety of staff and students will be the priority
The planning process will have the following steps:
- Completion of risk assessments to cover all of the activities involved in a phased return
- Identification of the staff who are available to work on site with students (those staff who are not in the vulnerable group and do not have dependents at home who could not be kept safe if the staff member came to work on site)
- Identification of the students who would access the face to face sessions, and how they would be grouped
- Drawing together of a timetable for the sessions based on the answers to 2) and 3)
- Agreeing all of the day to day Health and safety procedures which would need to be in place in order to keep students and staff safe
- Sharing of the plan with staff, students, parents/carers and Governors for their views
- Adjusting the plan based on feedback from all groups
- Communicating the plan to staff, students and parents/carers so that everyone knows what is expected of them
- Implementing the first phase of the return
Other factors:
Keyworker children and more vulnerable students
We will of course continue with the childcare provision for children of Keyworkers and our more vulnerable students in other year groups after half term.
Remote learning:
If the school partially reopens, remote learning will continue for all the year groups and for the students in Year 10, as they will not be in school every day. Our intention is that there will be few changes to Years 7-9 in terms of the setting of work. For Year 10, we will continue to set work remotely too.
Potential wider reopening of school
- From 1st June, BCC will not be opening for K.S.3 students but we hope to provisionally open for year 10 students to come in on a rota system. This will form part of a gradual phased reintroduction to school
- Along with our governing body, the senior team and I are planning for a gradual wider reopening of the school, but this will only happen when it is considered practical and safe to do so
- There is currently no certainty that students in years 7, 8 and 9 will return to school in June or July
At present we are planning for the first groups of students to come in for face to face contact in the later part of the first week back. We will have the risk assessment/s (stage 1) completed by next week and will work on steps 2 and 3 in parallel to this. We will obviously make sure that students and parents have plenty of notice before any return to school and you will receive an email inviting your son/daughter to attend.
The Government has issued a lot of guidance for schools and colleges but very little of it is ‘directed’. They are asking schools to consider their local circumstances and plan any return based on these. Our aim therefore is to make sure that we consider all of the issues, and plan carefully, before we bring more students onto the site. The guidance for parents (from the Department for Education) can be found here:
I understand that, inevitably, parents/carers and students will have a number of questions and concerns over the coming weeks and months.
I ask for your continued patience as we work through the details of all assessments and plans. We will continue to update you with further information as soon as it becomes available and please do keep checking the school’s website.
Thank you for your continued support and positivity throughout.
Meanwhile may I wish you and the students a well-deserved break from Home Learning over half term. We will resume this after the half term break.
Take care and kind regards
Yvonne Watkins
Head teacher
Click here to open video in new window
West Sussex County Council Press Release
Supporting schools to safely begin reopening
The County Council is continuing to work closely with West Sussex schools to support a phased return of pupils in a safe and managed way.
Detailed discussions have been held with school and academy representatives and unions to consider the government’s position that schools should begin to reopen from next month.
The council’s aim is for the phased return to start from June 1, in line with national guidance. Schools are showing support for this approach.
Schools’ individual risk assessments are identifying how they can best manage this and maintain the safety of their pupils and staff. Priority places will continue to be given to children who are vulnerable, those with Education Health and Care Plans and the children of key workers across all year groups. The council is also asking schools to prioritise disadvantaged pupils and those who have limited access to online resources in both primary and secondary schools.
It means that the way schools will manage the return of different year groups will vary across the county and may mean that not all of the specified year groups will go back to school at the same time.
Nigel Jupp, Cabinet Member for Education and Skills, said: “I would like to thank all of the teachers and school staff across West Sussex who continue to work tirelessly for their pupils. I am also extremely grateful to the children, parents and carers who have adapted so well in very difficult circumstances.
“We are supporting schools to plan for a phased reopening in a safe and managed way for all pupils and staff.
“Throughout the lockdown, our education team has worked together with headteachers, governors and unions. The number of children, including those who are vulnerable, attending school during this period has been above the national average. Everyone involved in education in West Sussex wants what’s best for our children – to keep them safe and keep them learning.”
Letter from Mrs Watkins – 15-5-20
Dear Parents/Carers
I cannot believe it is the end of another busy week and I hope you have all been keeping well and the students too. Thank you for all your responses and staying in touch so well and please do thank the students too for keeping in touch with their teachers and please do keep sending in their best work, whatever it may be.
Updates for this week are:
- Plans for re-opening are in place and we do hope to have Year 10 in after half term in some way. We are aware some parents and students may feel concerned about coming back and others will be quite keen. Whatever your feelings and whichever Year group your child is in, we will outline our plans and thoughts for the planning process next week, planning to start with Year 10 first.
- We have many more staff who are going to set up more virtual lessons for your children and guidance on this will also be sent out shortly to ensure the safety and security of all taking part.
- Mrs Whitlock has sent out a challenge to for next week, so please do encourage your children to take part – it is to celebrate Mental Health Awareness Week, we are asking Bourne students to carry out an act of kindness next week. This could be for a friend, a family member, a neighbour or anyone else that you can think of. Everyone is finding our new normal routine difficult, and it can be easy to forget that other people are finding it difficult too. If they do carry out an act of kindness, we would love you to send in a photo, a video to share on social media with #BourneToBeKind. If you can, also tweet the school twitter account @BourneCCollege
- Finally Year 11 Hoodies have arrived and will be delivered over the next few days to those who have ordered them, thanks to all those who organised this with Mrs Tibbetts and Mr Carter.
Wishing you a restful weekend,
Yvonne Watkins
“Adopt a Ward” and “Thinking of you” at Western Sussex Hospitals
Schools, parishes and residents in West Sussex are invited to send a message, picture or video to isolated patients in Worthing Hospital or St Richard’s Hospital
30 April 2020
Western Sussex Hospitals has had to suspend ward visiting during the Covid-19 pandemic and while staff are helping patients keep in touch with their loved ones, unfortunately some patients do not have family or friends to contact them.
The trust hopes schools, parish groups or residents in West Sussex could help support and lift the spirits of these more isolated patients by sending in letters, drawing or any other creative content they wish to share to make someone’s day in hospital.
Chief nurse, Maggie Davies, said: “Our new Messages to Loved Ones service is proving hugely popular and it means the world to our patients who cannot receive visitors to be given laminated messages and photographs from their loved ones.
“Sadly, some of our patients are more isolated though and we think it would be amazing for these often very elderly people to know that their community is thinking of them. It would just make an incredible difference to how they are feeling while in hospital.
“So, if a school or community wants to adopt a ward, or anyone feels like making a stranger’s day by writing a Thinking of you letter or sending them a drawing, we would be thrilled to make this happen and eternally grateful for the boost you’ll give to our patients. Thank you.”
Adopt a ward
The wards at Worthing Hospital and St Richard’s Hospital in Chichester are named after villages and communities in West Sussex. For example, Aldwick, Broadwater, Bramber, Chanctonbury, Durrington, Eartham, Ford, Itchenor, Petworth and Wittering are all wards in the hospitals.
Perhaps schools, community groups or people living in these areas would like to adopt a ward they share their name with and send in rainbow pictures, singing recordings, letters or videos to some of the patients?
The trust would use its new Messages to Loved Ones service to ensure everything people send in is either laminated and delivered to patients personally or shown to them on new ward iPads bought by the hospitals to keep patients in touch with their families.
Please email or send to Messages to Loved Ones, St Richard’s Hospital, Spitalfield Lane, Chichester, West Sussex, PO196SE. Thank you.
Thinking of you
No matter where you live though, anyone can make someone’s day and spread some cheer by telling a patient you are thinking of them, even if you don’t know them personally.
We invite people to address their kind words or pictures to “Thinking of you” and send to the same addresses above. Staff will print, laminate and personally deliver your messages to patients who find themselves more isolated at this difficult time. Staff will also facilitate replies if you leave a return email or postal address. Thank you.
For a list of wards named after places in West Sussex, please visit the trust’s Worthing Hospital and St Richard’s Hospital website pages at and click on the ward directories. If you would like to discuss the “Adopt a ward” or “Thinking of you” ideas further, please call Theo Cronin on 01903 205 111 ext. 84979.
Letter from Mrs Watkins – 12-5-20
Dear Parents and Carers
I hope all is well with you and you enjoyed the long weekend and the VE day celebrations?
We have no further details for reopening after the Prime Minister’s speech on Sunday, so we will keep going with our present Home Learning for all year groups until further guidance from the Government.
We await further guidance re: the following statement for Year 10 –
From 1 June 2020, we expect that secondary schools and colleges will be able to offer some face to face contact with year 10. This will not be a return to full timetables or pupils back in school or college full time, rather some support to supplement pupils’ remote education. In line with implementing protective measures and reducing contacts, schools and colleges should limit the attendance of the year 10 in the setting at any one time and to keep students in small groups as set out in our guidance.
We will plan to set up face to face contacts with teachers before the summer holidays as soon as we have more details. Meanwhile we will continue our planning and will of course keep you informed when we have more information.
Have a good start to the week and keep well.
Yvonne Watkins
1-5-20 Letter to Year 11 Students and Careers
Dear Parents and Carers
We are very aware that for Year 11 this has been a particularly difficult period with so much uncertainty and a sudden abrupt ending to their school career. We were equally shocked by how quickly it all happened and understand totally that for some of our students this is a very challenging time.
The guidance we received from the Government was to not assess Year 11 students any more, however we did ask students to keep on working as we wanted them to keep developing and progressing with their studies for as long as possible. We appreciate that this has not been easy or the best way forward for some and in order to support our students’ transition to their next stage of learning, we suggest they should now do the following:-
- The Survey: After the responses to our survey, we have a clearer idea of where our Year 11 are planning to go. Staff have been asked to either provide work where they can to help all students with their next stage of learning or to engage with them re how they can be supported for September.
- College Websites: I would ask that students go online to check out the websites of their chosen Colleges to find out what else they need to do to prepare for starting in September. Should we receive any further information from colleges then we shall ensure this is shared with you promptly.
- Please also see below about Careers from Mrs Jewer.
- Entry requirements for Courses: We would also suggest that some students continue with developing their English Language and Maths skills; particularly those students that did not achieve Grade 5 in their English or a Grade 4 in their Maths mock examinations. Generic work will be set for these areas for students to support them with their studies and the Curriculum leaders for English – Mrs Hutchins and for Maths – Mr Cariou, will monitor this.
- The Yr11 Google Classroom (Class Code: rmqvimb), used to complete the survey, will have additional information added for Year 11 students from Mr Carter to support students too.
If there is anything else we can do to support you, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Kind regards,
Yvonne Watkins
1. Explore different job roles and the labour market
2. Find out about different courses and pathways
3. Watch educational videos and documentaries
4. Create a CV
5. Browse Careers websites
Here are also some general free online learning sites!
Student and Parent Surveys
Discovery Bulletin
Discovery Bulletin 3rd July 2020
Discovery Bulletin 19th June 2020
Discovery Bulletin 12th June 2020
Discovery Bulletin 6th June 2020
Discovery Bulletin 29 May 2020
Discovery Bulletin 22 May 2020
Discovery Bulletin 15 May 2020
Discovery Bulletin 24 April 2020
Discovery Bulletin – 16 April 2020
BCC Rules – Keeping Safe in School
West Sussex County Council Letters
40 Things to do over Easter
Here is a list of 40 possibly things that you can do whilst self-distancing over the Easter break. Pick and choose from the list below or come up with your own activities. The main thing is to have fun whilst keeping yourself and others safe.
The limited outdoors
1. Gardening – Dig a vegetable patch, tend to the flowers and root out weeds
2. Create a time capsule and bury it in the garden – ask for permission first
The great indoors
3. In-house orienteering – write instructions for another member of your family to get from point A to B
4. Enjoy a board game – bring people together with Monopoly, Connect 4, cards etc. or make one up
5. Design a presentation on a subject you are interested in and deliver it to your family
6. Start a topic book on a subject you either like, know nothing about or want to know about
7. Do some housework. Why should parents have all the fun. Start by spring cleaning your bedroom
8. Complete a jigsaw puzzle
Stay fit, take exercise
9. Re-visit the Joe Wicks PE lessons
10. Get some exercise – go out for a bike ride, a run or a walk 30 minutes everyday
11. Develop your core strength and hold a plank position for a minute, then two etc.
12. Tone your body and complete the 100-day challenges for push ups and sit ups
13. Take part in an online exercise class
Art and culture
14. Go on a virtual tour of a museum or a national park
15. Watch a live streaming event: This might include a concert or a comedy routine
16. Learn to draw
17. Make your own comic book
18. Learn a language
19. Learn to count to 10 in 10 languages
Wired for sound
20. Discover a new podcast
21. Karaoke – find a lyric version of your favourite song and express yourself
22. Learn how to play the spoons
Brain power
23. Brush up on your trivia knowledge by finding online quizzes and using quiz apps
24. Do Sporcle quizzes until you know the capital of every country in the world
Culinary skills
25. Become a master chef or a star baker
A reader lives a thousand live
26. Read a book or an e-book – there are loads online
27. Tune in to hear a bedtime story read by David Walliams and other celebrities
Boldly go where no person has gone before
28. Discover the night sky
29. Logon to the Royal Observatory and see what online delights they have
It’s good to talk
30. Send emails to charities you’d like to volunteer for, ready for when this is over
31. Send your friends 3 things about them that you miss
32. Call or video chat with an older relative
33. Learn sign language
34. Learn semaphore – communicate messages to your neighbours and friends. Keep it clean
35. Read your MP’s manifesto promises, write them a letter
A better you
36. Who do you think you are? Start digging into your ancestry
37. Revisit your younger years and get back into ballet or another hobby you may have decided to let go of
38. Learn how to code in four hours
39. Learn how to knit and make something for a loved one
School? What’s that?
40. Get ahead and stay ahead – catch up on some schoolwork (all in moderation)
Download the 40 Things to do over Easter as PDF
Free Daily Resources for Children
Staff Email Addresses
Mrs A Sharma | Head teacher |
Mrs J Acquah | Leader of PE & Dance |
Mr R Acquah | Assistant Head teacher |
Mr R Ainslie | Teacher of Mathematics |
Mr M Burns | Teacher of Geography |
Mr T Butler | KS4 Leader of English |
Mrs L Cammack | Leader of Drama |
Mr J Cariou | Assistant Head teacher |
Mr M Carter | Assistant Head teacher |
Miss J Church | Leader of Science |
Mr A Clarke | Teacher of Science |
Mrs C Cluff | Leader of Art & Design |
Miss K Donovan | Teacher of Art & DT |
Mr D Ellis | Extended Leadership & Curriculum Transition Co-ordinator |
Mrs C Gamble | Teacher of Science |
Miss A Gould | Teacher of PSHE, Drama and Music |
Mr N Griggs | Assistant Leader of Science |
Mr P Harper | Leader of RE |
Miss L Harris | Teacher of PSE & Food Technology |
Mrs R James | Leader of Humanities |
Mrs H Jewer | Personal Development and Progress Leader |
Mrs C Kemp | Head of Bourne Student Support Centre |
Mr T Masson | Teacher of Humanities |
Mrs D McGarry | Assistant Leader of Humanities |
Mrs E Meagher | Teacher of Maths |
Mrs J Moore | Assistant Leader of English |
Ms K Morris | Leader of English |
Mrs J Murray-Brown | Senior Assistant Head teacher, DSL & EVC |
Miss J Newman | Leader of Design & Technology & Professional Tutor |
Miss T Patrascu | Leader of Spanish and International Co-ordinator |
Ms M Perry | Teacher of Science |
Mrs J Phillips | Teacher of Maths & Able and Most Able Co-ordinator |
Miss J Poisson | Teacher of MFL |
Mr N Pragnell | Teacher of English |
Miss D Quinn | Leader of Food & Nutrition |
Mr T Ratcliffe | Teacher of Science |
Mrs A Riedmuller | Leader of Modern Foreign Languages |
Mr I Salisbury | Teacher of Science |
Mrs D Scott | Leader of Music |
Mr E Simpson | Leader of Maths |
Miss P Taylor | Teacher of PE and Rights Respecting Co-ordinator |
Mr D Turner | Teacher of Science & Whole School Lead for Pupil Premium |
Mrs C Twinn | Teacher of Humanities (RE/Geography) |
Mrs J Van Walt | Teacher of Science |
Mrs S Wareham | Teacher of D&T |
Mr M Wickham | SENDCo |
Links to Online Resources:
- Accelerated Reader
- Doddle
- Go4Schools
- Google Classroom
- Kerboodle
- Maths Watch
- Memrise
- MyMaths
- The Day
- Seneca
Please be aware that due to demand any of the above websites could temporarily be unavailable. If you have a problem accessing a website or find that it operates slowly we would advise you try again later.
Need help with Online Resources?
If you need help accessing/logging into the online resources please email and we will aim to get back to you as soon as possible.
If you have any questions about Accelerated Reader please email Mrs Farley at
Some students/parents are receiving errors trying to access the Bourneportal website from home and are being re-directed to a website called xnomads. If you have this issue the only fix we have had any success with is to clear all your browsing history and cookies and then try the Bourneportal website again. Please be aware by doing this any saved passwords you may have for websites could be lost. All the links students require for home learning are listed at the top of this page.
Google Classroom
If you use another Google account on your PC/laptop/phone/tablet you may have a problem accessing a Classroom via the link sent through by a teacher. If you do receive an error trying to join the class could you try the process below:
- If possible log out completely of you current Google account before signing into Google Classroom. Particularly on mobile devices this may not be possible so please try step 2.
_ - Copy the Google Classroom link and paste it into an incognito / inprivate / private browsing window as this will ignore any Google account you have on your device, then sign in with your schools Google account.
We are unable to help access Seneca accounts as students were asked to sign up for an account themselves. We do not know which email account they used however they were advised to use there school Goggle account.
If you have forgotten your Seneca account we would advise signing up for a new account with an email address you can access.
Top Parenting Tips for Parents and Carers in uncertain times
- Reassure your children that your family is your top priority.
Say something like “I’m your parent, it’s my job to keep you safe and we are doing everything we can.”
_ - Maintain everyday family routines.
Keep to usual rising times, mealtimes, and bedtimes. Every family is different. Involve children in working out any new routine (e.g., have a daily plan of activities for school-aged children who are at home).
_ - Have plenty of interesting things to do at home.
Busy children are less likely to be bored and misbehave. With your child, help create a list of 20 activities that will keep them busy (not just screen time).
_ - Take notice of behaviour you like.
Think about the values, skills and behaviours you wish to encourage in your children at this very difficult time. There are many opportunities to teach your children important life skills (e.g., being caring, helpful, cooperative, getting on well with siblings, taking turns). Use plenty of praise and positive attention to encourage behaviour you like. Give them positive attention letting them know you are pleased by telling them what they have just done (“That’s a lovely card you have written to your grandmother. That’s so kind. She will really appreciate that.”)
_ - Make sure your child knows you are ready to talk.
Children need to be able to talk to parents about their concerns and have their questions answered. When a child wants to talk about their feelings, stop what you are doing and listen carefully. Avoid telling your child how they should feel (“That’s silly. You shouldn’t be scared about that.”) Let children know it is OK to be worried. Talking or drawing can help children get in touch with their feelings and figure out what they are anxious about.
_ - Be truthful in answering children’s questions.
Find out what they know about the issue before answering. Keep answers simple. Get information from trusted sources (e.g., official government websites) rather than social media.
_ - Have a family plan of action.
Involve children in preparing the plan. As situations can change quickly (e.g., new travel restrictions, school closures), update the plan as needed.
_ - Help children learn to tolerate more uncertainty.
The COVID-19 crisis creates uncertainty for everyone. Parents need to find a way to accept uncertainty and, through your actions and words show this acceptance to your children. It’s OK to say, “I don’t know; let’s find out what we can.” Big changes to children’s lives can be hard and are often scary. They can also create opportunities for learning new skills.
_ - Take care of yourself the best you can.
Deal with your own distress by taking actions that give you a better sense of personal control. Stress management skills such as mindfulness and/or deep breathing can help reduce stress. Keep healthy and safe (good personal hygiene, exercise daily, eat well, get enough sleep, avoid using alcohol or drugs to lessen stress). Avoid behaviour that might increase your stress. For example, while it is helpful to keep informed about COVID-19, constant checking on your screens can increase stress.
_ - Reach out and connect with loved ones.
Make greater use of phones, online communication tools (video conferencing) and social media to keep in touch with family, friends, and neighbours. Help others in need who are going through a tough time and are more vulnerable (e.g., parents/caregivers with disabilities, older people).
Click here to download as a PDF
Wellbeing Guidance
Dear Parents, Carers and Friends
We are very aware that our students may feel anxious or worried at this time and we are offering the following as guidance –
- Staying connected with loved ones, peers and mental health/emotional well-being support is important whilst your child is distance learning.
- It is vital that your child maintains a daily routine that mirrors, as much as possible, the school day.
- We recommend that you schedule in key points of contact with them during the day to support them in maintaining some structure. As part of their routine it is important to encourage your child to do things they enjoy, make time for friends and also eat and sleep well.
It is vital that your son or daughter lets you know how they are feeling; ensuring you are available to listen and creating opportunities to check in with them is important. If your son or daughter already struggles with their mental health please ensure you make a plan with them to ensure they have telephone contact with their key professional or access to helpline support, please see below.
Mental Health support and self-care resources for young people can be found on
The ON MY MIND self-care resources have many self-help activities which young people can access at home whether they are feeling low/anxious or to ensure they are looking after themselves emotionally and physically. A range of Apps delivering self-help strategies to support a wide range of needs are available, from navigating emotions and managing worries to the practicalities of sleep, food and exercise/mood trackers. There are also links to distraction techniques, arts, drama and physical activity ideas which can form part of your son or daughters daily routine.
Further information for parents and young people on looking after your mental health whilst self-isolating can be found on:
There are tips and information on staying connected, staying calm, dealing with stressful situations at home and signposting to further helplines and resources with practical ideas on planning your day, remaining productive and suggesting on-line board games you can play with friends.
For students residing in WSCC and in need of emotional well-being support or advice, there will be phone contact available via the Find It Out Centre 07716 227928 on Mon, Wed, Fri between 1pm – 5 pm.
For students residing in Hampshire the Havant and East Hants MIND can be contacted on 02392 498916. The Havant Safe Haven, mental health support for Young People can also be accessed via their Facebook site.
Food Banks: Please note that holiday lunch packs will be available a week early, for w/c 23 March and a second voucher will be made available to parents on collection of their first lunch packs at the food bank. At this stage, provision is available for a period of one month.
The ‘Love Your Neighbour’ campaign, run by the New Life Church in Emsworth aims to support vulnerable families in the community, working alongside the food banks by collecting and delivering groceries (non-perishable), toiletries and donations. Contact them for further advice or if you would like to chat to someone; 07835 441076.
Meanwhile, may I offer you all my sincere best wishes to you and your families during this difficult time.
Mrs Y Watkins
On-Line & Telephone Support for Young People: | |
Childline: 080011 11
Young Minds Crisis Messenger: 85258 Young Minds: Dialogue Counselling: 07739 893707 (WSCC) ChatHealth: School Nursing Service, emotional and physical health, 07480 635424 CGL substance misuse: 0300 303 8677 Young Carers: WSCC 01903 270300; Hampshire 023 9247 4724 Information Shop: Samaritans: 116 123 Off The Record 023 9247 4724; support helpline 0808 80 10 724 (free from landline) Havant and East Hants MIND: 02392 498916 |
Additional Support and Information for
West Sussex Families |
Additional Support and Information for Hampshire Families |
Child Protection/safeguarding concerns – 01403 229900. Out of hours 0330 222 6664
Children and Family Centre—01243 642953 Foodbank—Chichester 01243 773687 Mon/Wed 2-4pm, Fri 4-6pm Enabling Families—Call 01243 642950 to request a consultation with an Early Help professional; for families struggling with more complex needs. Find It Out Centre 11-25yrs —Chichester 07716 227928 Mon/Weds/Fri 1:00—5:00pm for telephone support and advice on accessing the Youth Emotional Support service Chichester Information Shop—Counselling, sexual health advice, and all matters concerning young people, WORTH Domestic Abuse Service for adults and young people—07834 968539 Life Centre—Adult, under 18, male and female survivors of rape and sexual abuse.; 0808 802 808 Sussex Mental Health 24 hr line for adults—0300 5000 101 Citizens Advice—01243 776528 Benefits Calculator:
Child Protection/safeguarding concerns-
0300 555 1384, out of hours 0300 555 1373
Sharps Copse Children and Family Centre – 023 9244 1400
Beacon Food Bank, The Meridian Centre – 07718 424618
SDAS (southern Domestic Abuse Service)/ Stop Domestic Abuse UK – 0330016 5112
Havant and East Hants MIND (support for adults, families and 0-19 years with mental health and emotional well-being) – 02392 498 916
Adult Mental Health Services, Parkway Centre – 023 92683500; Crisis number – 02392344562
Young Minds, Mental Health Parents Helpline – 0808 802 5544
Off The Record (Information, support and counselling for 11 – 25 years) – 023 9247 4724, support helpline 0808 80 10 724 (free from a landline)
Citizens Advice –0344 4111306 – Local welfare assistance information and advice (debt, money, emergency food, short term grants, housing, furniture etc.) – 0300 3301150
Benefits Calculator:
Year 7 & 8 PE with Mr Davidson – Lesson 1
Year 7 & 8 PE with Mr Davidson – Lesson 2