Dear Parents & Carers
Next Friday, on 17 December, we are having a special celebration and many different activities to celebrate achieving our Gold award for our RRSA Status.
The students will have an extended break time and will finish for the day at 1.05pm and school buses have been arranged to take the students home, for those who use them. The canteen will be open for food during break time but not at lunch time. Those students who have a FSM will be able to collect their lunch at break time.
We hope this will be a great end to the term and that the students all enjoy the activities.
In preparation for next term, may I remind you of our expectations regarding the following, so we can all start positively next year –
- Uniform – full College uniform, with coats, no hoodies. No jewellery or false/painted nails
- Covid –all students must wear a mask and continue with twice weekly LFTs. Masks must be worn on public transport and school buses
- Homework – is part of our school, so please encourage your child. If there are issues, please contact the subject leader or teacher so this can be sorted
- Mobile phones – are not allowed and will be confiscated if a student is found to be using it during the school day
- Travel to and from school – we are working with British Transport Police to ensure the safety of all our students on the railway platform and trains.
Please do reinforce the safety message about travelling to and from school and ensure that your child can be seen during these dark evenings and are equipped for cycling, if this is how they travel to school
The last day of term will be a non-uniform day as the Student Councils are raising money for Mount Noddy and the NHS Cenotaph. Students may wear something Christmas themed or clothes in the colours of the emergency services. We are asking for a contribution of £1.00 for this.
With thanks for your continued support and wishing you all a restful weekend.
Kind regards
Yvonne Watkins