Dear Parents & Carers
I hope you are all keeping well and settling into the second week of lockdown?
Thank you for your patience last night with the Year 9 Parents Evening. It was an external server issue and it was resolved, but I hope it did not cause too much disruption. Staff will be in touch via email / phone so that you can still speak to them to discuss your child’s progress and pathway options.
Remote Learning
We hope the students are all coping with their new routine of home learning. We know there have been a few technical issues and logging-on issues and hope these are all now resolved.
Setting work: I have instructed the staff to use a consistent plan to make it clearer on Go4Schools, for students (and parents) to see the plan for each day.
All work will be set on a Monday and will be due in on a Friday, so that students have an overview of their week.
Remote learning will be delivered a variety of ways, including Live Lessons. Some parents have asked for these to happen more often to ensure student engagement and so we have said that 1 in 3 lessons in each subject area will have a live element, with a minimum of 10 minutes duration.
Some Curriculum areas are already doing much more than this and will continue to do so, but we need to build this up gradually to ensure it is evenly spread across all the year groups. You should therefore see an increase in Live Lessons from next week. I will also share the guidelines with the students for these live lessons to ensure all is in line with our expectations and safety online.
Tutor Time / Leader of Year Input
As I outlined earlier in the week, tutors will be in touch with your child via email or a live meeting at least twice each week and Leaders of Year will be in touch once per week.
We aim to ensure there is variety in all of our delivery to keep the students involved with their learning and for us to monitor their progress and well-being.
Please do contact the teachers if you are unsure of anything and check the website for updates in the usual way.
With many thanks as always for your support,
Yvonne Watkins