Dear Parent or Carer,
I am sure that the return to school for many of you has been welcomed and that your child has, in the main, been keen to return. I know that our schools have worked in many ways to ensure that children returning have been supported and welcomed back, ensuing that they settle swiftly into learning and rebuild relationships with their friends, teachers and all staff that support them.
It is important that we all still follow guidance set by the school to ensure safe practice and do ask that you reinforce the messages and practices expected by the school with your child. Covid and the risks of Covid are not over yet and it is still important that we all continue to follow guidance, particularly around ‘hands, face and space’.
Whilst returning to school and with greater access to testing, there may be times where a positive case arises amongst a member of the school population. In such a case, schools do have to follow appropriate procedure to reduce any risk of transmission and may have to ask groups to self-isolate again and work from home for a period of time, in line with national guidance on the issue. Whilst I recognise that this may be frustrating for yourself and your child in returning to school to then find they have to go back to a period of online learning until the self-isolation period is over, it is important for everyone that this happens to reduce any risk of transmission of the virus.
I ask for your patience and understanding and know that such decisions to ask children to self-isolate are not taken lightly by schools. Your school will keep you informed when such a situation is required.
Yours sincerely
Paul Wagstaff
Director of Education & Skills
West Sussex County Council