Dear Parents & Carers
Thank you for all your support and patience this week during one of the most unusual starts to the New Year.
We are sharpening up and refining our procedures and systems to ensure we offer the very best provision for all our students, both at home and in school.
For students learning at home
- Remote learning is being signposted for all our students via Go4Schools. We have changed how we are doing this to ensure clarity for the students when they log-in and this change will come into effect w/c Monday 11 January 2021.
- Our aim is to provide sufficient work to guide the students through the daily lessons/tasks for each subject. We will try to ensure some live lessons or recorded lessons happen every day and will aim for a variety in delivery over the week e.g. the teacher may start the lesson in a live way, but it may not be a full live lesson for the whole 50 minutes.
- We all know that 5 hours in front of a screen every day is not a totally engaging or healthy way for students to learn as they need variety and our staff will endeavour to do this. We will also be monitoring engagement on a daily basis, as if the student is at school.
- Every student will have contact with their Tutor at least x 2 per week and with their Leader of Year x 1 per week.
For students in school
- We have a regular group of students in school every day and they are learning in their bubbles. We have set up our Lateral Flow Testing site so all students and staff are tested every week, as extra reassurance.
If you have any issues, please contact the subject teacher first and/or the Student Manager.
Email addresses of all the teaching staff can be found on the website at:
Here are a few others for specific issues: –
- Logins: if there are any issues please send to
- Laptop queries to
- Year 7 – Mrs Rachel Tibbetts (Leader of Year)
- Year 8 – Student Manager, Mrs Samantha Savage
- Years 9 & 10 – Student Manager, Miss Amy Chappell
- Year 11 – Student Manager, Mrs Sarah Whitlock
- Critical worker children: Mrs Murray-Brown
Year 9 Virtual Parents Evening
- We are running this on 14 January for Year 9 next Thursday from 3.30 -7 p.m. and the Pathways booklets are in the post.
We are all very aware that this is a new routine for us all and it will produce some challenges, but also opportunities for new ways of learning for our whole school community. We look forward to working together with you to do the very best for all our students.
Wishing you a restful weekend.
Kind regards
Yvonne Watkins