Message from Mrs Watkins 01 November 2021
Dear Parents & Carers
As we approach the second half of the term, we would like to say how impressed we have been with the students settling into their studies and taking advantage of the many educational activities that are taking place both in and out of the classroom.
We have a few updates this week –
Thank you for your continued support on this as it is crucial to keep testing. Numbers did rise by the end of the half term and we found many positive LFT’s translated into positive PCR’s, so it is essential that we all keep testing ourselves.
May I remind you to test your children twice per week to make sure they do not come into school unwell.
We have been asked by the Education Secretary to forward a letter regarding vaccinations, this will follow separately.
We are now back in full uniform (no summer polo shirts). Please ensure your child has a blazer and a winter coat to protect them on their journey to and from school, especially as we are now into the colder season and a school jumper to keep them warm. Hoodies and sweatshirts are not part of our uniform.
Travel to and from School
Thank you for your support when dropping off and collecting your child. Please can I remind you to do this safely, not to park on any double yellow lines, and to keep to the one-way system in the car park. With the increase in the number of students, safety is of paramount importance.
Train Times
As I said earlier in the term, train times have changed and we are happy for students to stay behind at school, in the Library, if they need to keep warm and dry, so that they do not have to stay on the station platforms for too long. I am in discussion with Southern Rail to see if we can work closer to sort train times.
May I remind you that holidays cannot be authorised and if you do remove your child for more than 10 sessions – 5 days – both parents will incur a fine. I know there have been difficulties post COVID with holidays, but I am sending this out as reminder to make you all aware.
We want every student to make the best of every lesson, every day and thank you for your continued support with this and for their homework studies.
With many thanks
Yvonne Watkins
Head teacher