Dear Parents and Carers
We are very impressed with how well our students have returned this week and how they have adapted to the reintegration to school and the testing regime. We are aware that coming back to school and getting back into a routine can take more time, but our students have made a great start.
Can I give you a few updates for next week –
Testing – all Leaders of Year will be in touch regarding their individual Year Groups and the plans for testing next week and how the home tests will work.
Can I just add two points about the testing –
- We will ONLY contact you if your child’s test is positive
- If your child has any Covid symptoms, please follow the NHS guidelines to self-isolate as a family etc. and notify us at school straightaway. (Email )
Canteen – The canteen will reopen as normal from Monday 15 March at break and lunchtime. We will stagger entrance to the canteen as before to ensure all students socially distance and remain in their year group bubbles at break and lunch.
Safety – a request too for the safety of all our students before and after school as we appreciate there will be more traffic. Cars must be parked safely and legally, not on the pavement or double yellow lines. We need to support our neighbours too and not block driveways due to poor parking.
Our students were also concerned and so have designed the banners you can now see outside the school (and below).
Wishing you a restful weekend.
Yvonne Watkins