Dear Parents & Carers
We always planned to review our Bubble system at the end of the first half term and I would like to inform you of the proposed tweaks to our plan to improve teaching and learning and student wellbeing:
- The Bubbles will remain for the beginning of the day, Tutor time and for break and lunch times.
- Students will now use a one-way system to move around the whole school, to enable them to be taught in and access specialist rooms. This will provide increased opportunities for the best teaching and resources for their learning.
- The one-way system will be implemented to enable the students to move around the whole school as safely as possible
- Everyone -staff and students –will wear a face-mask when moving around the school (except for those students with medical exemptions). Please ensure that your child has a face-mask (and a spare) for school every day
- This change is also designed to improve the wellbeing of the students, for them to be able to move around and not be confined to one area throughout the whole week
- The new timetable will be issued to the students after half term and will be available on Go4Schools during the half-term break
- Students will be introduced to this new time table and new system after half term – and return to school will be staggered
- Years 9, 10 ,11 will return on Monday 2 November
- Years 7, 8 and 11 will be in on Tuesday 3 November
- The whole school will return on Wednesday 4 November
We are very pleased with how our students have responded to a full return to school and we now need to build on this to ensure our next phase is as successful.
With many thanks for your continued support.
Kind regards
Yvonne Watkins