Dear Parents & Carers
We have really appreciated all the positive feedback this week and your suggestions to make things as smooth as possible for us all.
A few updates for you from myself this week –
Student Learning
We hope that the new layout on Go4Schools is clearer for the students.
Staff have been asked to signpost Live Lessons on Go4Schools and stick to the timings of the school day.
Our school day timings have changed, as I advised at the end of last term, so this is now reflected on Go4Schools.
Engagement of Students
We have set up monitoring sheets to ensure students are engaging with their work and staff are checking these carefully. Staff will be in touch with the students and also with you, if there are any concerns.
We will be rewarding students for their hard work and positive points will be assigned to all those completing their work as if they were in school. We hope this will encourage all to do the very best they can.
Years 10 and 11
We are very impressed with how well Year 11 are doing and want to thank you for your encouragement and support on this.
We believe that all evidence will be used to ensure that the Year 11 students are given the best grades this summer (and possibly for some Year 10), so we do need all students to engage with all of their studies.
Inset Day
The Inset Day for 5 February will be postponed as this was going to be used for Year 11 moderation. It will now take place later in the term, when we are clearer on the process for awarding grades for Year 11 this year. At present this is at the consultation stage.
Lastly, you may know Freddie Carr, a local sailor in the American’s Cup who is doing very well in New Zealand. Freddie has visited the school and knows some of our students and he has kindly just sent all our students a brilliant message, with some great words of encouragement.
Here is the link – , please do view it when you can.
As always, I wish you all a safe and restful weekend and thank you for your feedback and support.
Kind warm wishes
Yvonne Watkins