Dear Parents & Carers
As we approach the 4th week of term, we are impressed with the way the students are settling into this academic year and taking advantage of the many educational activities that are taking place both in and out of the classroom. We also had a whole school review from the Local Authority, which highlighted the positive way students are learning, and the excellent teaching and opportunities provided by the staff to support them. We want every student to make the best of every lesson, every day and thank you for your continued support with this and for their homework studies.
We have a few updates this week –
We are now back in full uniform (no summer polo shirts). Please ensure your child has a blazer and a coat to protect them on their journey to and from school, especially as we are now into the autumn season.
Travel to School
Thank you for your support when dropping off and collecting your child. Please can I remind you to do this safely, not to park on any double yellow lines, and to keep to the one-way system in the car park. With the increase in the number of students, safety is of paramount importance.
Train Times
As the train times have now changed again, we are happy for students to stay behind at school, in the Library, if they need to keep warm and dry, so that they do not have to stay on the station platforms for too long.
With many thanks, as always, for your continued support
Yvonne Watkins