Dear Parents and Carers
Re: Year 8 students into Year 9 September 2021
We are reviewing our plans for our Curriculum for September 2021 to ensure all students can have an increased choice of their favourite creative and/or practical subjects in Year 9. It will also allow them to build on their skills base for these subjects which will then better prepare them for Years 10 and 11.
Our plan is to give students mini-options, with the choice of doing 3 of the following 6 subjects –
Art, Computer Science, Drama, Food Technology, Music and Product Design
They will choose 3 from this list, with 2 reserves and concentrate on these in Year 9, along with their core subjects, instead of doing all 6 subjects on a rotation.
We are asking you to complete the document attached in the link below, having first looked at the Year 9 subject overview and discussed it with your son/daughter –
Please could you complete the form by Friday 26 March 2021.
At this early stage we obviously cannot guarantee your first 3 choices.
This will not effect the GCSE Pathways process in any way, so all subjects will remain open to all students.
Kind regards
Yvonne Watkins