Dear Parents & Carers
We returned after the half term and have endured some challenging weather recently, hope everyone is keeping well.
As a community, we celebrated the Remembrance Day together and I am proud of how respectful and mature our students were. To me this is a reflection of how you support our school values of Kindness, Respect and Determination. Thank you for your continued support.
I would also like to thank families of students in years 7 to 10, who have accepted our invitation and spent time talking with the Leader of Year and a member of Senior Leadership Team to ensure we shared our expectations and how we can work together in securing good progress for our students. My colleagues were thoroughly delighted with your support and our collective belief that together we can support our students all the time.
We are now fully in Exam mode. Yr 11 students have been preparing for their mock GCSEs from Monday 20 November and we wish them well. Preparations have been underway at school for some time now. Your help in ensuring that whilst students continue to revise, they also get a good night’s rest. This will be helpful. We are mindful that for some students, exams can be a cause of serious worry. If you feel that your son/daughter may need support in addressing this worry, please contact
Thank you to parents for your constructive feedback regarding our school website. This is a large undertaking, as you can imagine – I am addressing this and we are making steps in making it more student/family friendly.
I will take this opportunity to remind you of a date for your diary – Thursday 30 November. This is our upcoming Yr9 Options (Pathways) Evening. The event is open to all students in Year 9. It is an important session your child’s Key Stage 4 (Yr 10 and Yr11) subject pathways will be discussed. It is important that students and parents get to grips with this early and secure a place in the course of their choice.
As you know, attendance to school is really important. Please send students into school – if they are poorly, we will get in touch. Students benefit from a bit of resilience and many do feel better, once they are in school and with friends.
Finally, over this term we have supported parents with getting access to and the use of the school’s Brom-Com app. If you (or a friend) have still not been able to get My Child At School, our expert IT team are only an email away – Please download and use this app. All communication – your child’s timetable, award points, behaviour points, including their academic reports are only accessible via this app. Please do email the IT department if you have any problems and they will respond as soon as possible.
Kind regards
Mrs Sharma
Head teacher