Categories: Staff News
Posted on 23 Jun 23 by

Dear Parent/Carer,

I am delighted to meet with parents during Monday afternoons.  My sincere thanks to parents who have made time and to meet with me, thank you.  I am humbled by parents coming in to welcome me and show their support; much appreciated. I will want to continue this, so please feel free to email

You will have heard from your child that I am working with them on instilling a rigour for high standards.  We all want our children to take pride in their school and represent it in a smart, respectable manner within our community.  Our uniform provides unity and identity.  Please be assured, I am not changing the uniform policy, merely reinforcing the standards.  Please click , to reach our uniform policy leaflet.

It is noticeable that over time many of our children have started deviating from it, especially in their footwear. After a consultation with student councils on what is acceptable, we have agreed on a selection of suitable school wear.  During this fortnight the Leaders of Years are clarifying the agreed selection wider with all year groups.  This is to provide students yet another opportunity to share their point of views.


I want to emphasise that I have considered the financial implications that may be perceived from this.  It is not our intention to burden our families as we embed high standards at school.  Reasonable adjustments will be made this half term to ensure that we work collectively and follow the policy.  Children’s shoe-size changes often and some parents will need to buy new shoes for the start of the term in September.  The purpose of my communal approach is to guide parents to footwear that is fit for purpose in our school; I can assure you these will be much more economical than the fancy ones.  We have added the images of acceptable designs/styles on our website.

If you have any concerns regarding uniform, please contact your child’s tutor in the first instance.  Tutors and Leaders of Year will support families in confidence.

You will have seen my previous email informing you about the strike action days.  Thank you to parents who have responded to acknowledge or with queries.

Year 10s are preparing for their End of Year assessments.  Timetables for option subjects will vary for students, so, please refer to Bromcom for your child’s personalised timetable. Subject teachers have been revising in lessons and afterschool, so should you have any subject specific queries, please do not hesitate in contacting your child’s teacher.

Yr11 students will be celebrating end of exam season and preparations are underway for their Prom next Friday 30 June.  This day happens to be an INSET day so the school will remain closed for all students.

You will have seen the notice regarding the footpath closure. Please encourage your child to make their way around the hurdles safely and be at the school on time.

And finally, please respond to the parent survey sent out by Caterlink  They have set a deadline of Friday 21 July.  Your responses will influence the next steps for our school canteen.

Hope you are all able to enjoy the sunshine and have a good weekend.

Mrs Sharma
Head teacher


Bourne Community College
Bourne Community CollegeMonday, February 3rd, 2025 at 5:00pm
We are delighted to share some exciting news from the classroom! Our Year 7 students have been hard at work this term, delving into the fascinating world of myths and legends. As part of their studies, they have been tasked with creating their own mythical monsters—a journey that has spurred their imaginations and artistic talents.

First, the students planned and described their abominable creations in vivid detail. Their creativity and storytelling skills truly shone as they brought these mythical beings to life on paper. Next, they turned their drawings into digital art by using AI, transforming their blood-curdling concepts into striking visual masterpieces.

We are incredibly proud of the effort and dedication our Year 7 students have shown. Their work has been nothing short of spectacular, and we are thrilled to celebrate their achievements with you.

Thank you for your continued support and encouragement.

Warm regards,

Mr Tom Butler and the English Team
Bourne Community College
Bourne Community CollegeFriday, January 31st, 2025 at 5:00pm
Year 10 Geography and Triple Science students had the opportunity to be part of a special cross-curricular enrichment activity. The event was lead by Scientist Dr. Leigh Hickmott, world leading expert in Pack-Ice Killer whales. He visited us at the Bourne to deliver a talk about his recent BBC programme, 'Expedition Killer Whale' and elevated students' knowledge of Antarctica's ecosystems. The students fully immersed themselves into the presentation and thoroughly enjoyed the experience. On behalf of The Bourne Community College, we would like to thank @leighhickmott for his visit and will be looking forward to seeing more of his amazing work.

Please check out Leigh Hickmott recent BBC program:

Mrs. R James
Leader of Humanities
Bourne Community College
Bourne Community CollegeWednesday, January 29th, 2025 at 5:00pm
Caterlink's plan for next Wednesdays lunch.
Bourne Community College
Bourne Community CollegeMonday, January 27th, 2025 at 5:00pm
Year 8 are currently studying Cubism, learning about this style of art and through this project, they are continuing to develop their drawing skills. Photos show work from a lesson drawing paper cups, using parallel lines and ellipses to guide shape, adding shading with smudge sticks. Photos show some of examples of the work from our fabulous year 8 students!

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