Dear Parents and Carers
We are so impressed with our students and all they have achieved this half-term. It has been a challenge for all but our students have really shown how they can rise to that challenge with guidance from their teachers and your constant support.
Please do look at our Discovery Bulletin (available on the website) which gives a flavour of the activities that have been happening this half-term.
You will find some useful information and wellbeing guidance and support available in the Covid & Remote Learning section of the website –
A few activities for you all to be aware of –
- Mr Colley and the Year 8 students attending school are taking part in the JDRF 100 Challenge (A charity looking for a T1 Diabetes cure) and aim to do 100,000 steps every day during February with a goal of 5,000,000 by 28 February. Please see the link below for more information and any donations would be hugely welcome –
- The PE Team have also put up many fitness videos for all to take part in
- Friday 12 February Wellbeing Day with a half day of no technology. The staff have put up activities for Friday on the website, so if you and your child/children want to do some of them please do join in. The plan is for no screen time for this afternoon and to give all a chance just to do something different.
- Please do look at the website for our ‘Ditch the Screens!’ ideas –
- Students attending school on Friday 12 February, please come wearing your PE kit.
We wish you all fun on this day and/or time to relax together.
As soon as we know any more about the school reopening, we will let you know in the usual way via InTouch and the school website.
With thanks to you all for your continued support and wishing you a restful half-term break.
Yvonne Watkins