Categories: News
Posted on 01 Jan 21 by

Dear Parents and Carers

I hope you have all enjoyed a restful Christmas break and a healthy one too?

I would like to advise you of our plans now, after the latest information from the Government for all students at Secondary school and due to the new Tier 4 instructions.

This is our plan to date and what we aim to put in place for the first few weeks of term.

  • The previously announced staggered start has been revised to allow more time, so that every school and college is able to fully roll out mass testing of all students and staff.
  • From Wednesday 6th January:
    • Only vulnerable children and children of critical workers will be on site- a form will be attached here for you to fill in. Please do so ONLY if your child is in either of these categories and you wish them to attend from Wednesday 6th January.

    • Once in school, please note students must wear masks at all times and must be in full school uniform. The students in school for the beginning of term, will be in their year group Bubbles and will be supervised with work provided.
    • Year 11 -Remote education will be provided for exam year groups starting with this year group.
    • Testing: We will prepare to test as many staff and students as possible during this week, starting with staff and students in school and

Year 11 may be tested during this week or on arrival w/c 11 Jan.

  • In the week beginning 11 January:
    • Vulnerable children, children of critical workers and students in Year 11 only will be on site.
    • For students in Year 7 -10 remote education will be provided via GO4SCHOOLS and Google classrooms.
    • Testing will begin, prioritising staff, students on site and exam cohorts and then individual year groups.
    • We aim to test most students this week and to invite your child into school to be tested, if they are in Years 7-10.Further details will follow.
  • In the week beginning 18 January:
    • All students should be on site but we are awaiting further Government guidance on this.
    • All students must wear a mask at all times and be in full uniform.
    • All staff and students will be tested, if not already done so.
    • Any scheduled vocational exams will go ahead as planned

We aim to get the testing regime in place as efficiently and safely, as we can and I appreciate your cooperation on all the above. I will keep you updated if there are any changes to our arrangements, via the school website and InTouch messages.

I know you will join me in wanting to have our school community running smoothly, but only when it is safe for us to do so and we hope the regular testing of our staff and students will ensure this.

All COVID rules of conduct will need to be strictly adhered to, for this to be successful and we ask that you revisit these with your children to ensure their safety and well-being and those of our whole community, especially as we are now all in TIER 4:

  • FACE masks, regular HAND washing and maintaining distance and SPACE at all times.

Meanwhile may I wish you all a very Happy New Year and I look forward to working with all our students and families into 2021 and I thank you for your continued support.


Kind regards

Yvonne Watkins



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