Dear Parents and Carers
Plans for the safe return to school, September 2020
We are all really looking forward to seeing our school full of students again and I would just like to clarify some points that have been raised over the holiday period.
Updated risk assessments are in place to cover the changes for a full return of the whole school for September.
A parent/carers guide to this can be found here:
All our planning is based on current guidance and we will inform you of any changes via email and on the school’s website, as always.
The following will be in place:
Hygiene in school – students will be asked to sanitize their hands when they enter school and at the start of every lesson. They will also be asked to wipe down their work area before they settle at their desks. Students will be reminded to wash their hands thoroughly after visiting the toilet and before and after eating. Hand sanitiser and wipes will be provided but students may bring their own sanitiser if they wish.
Mixing of students – each year group will be treated as a ‘bubble’. They will attend lessons together and take break and lunch in separate areas to the other year groups. No mixing of year groups during the school day will be allowed, except in exceptional circumstances, at which point social distancing should be observed.
Movement around school – each building will have a clearly defined one-way system in place. All staff and students will follow these one-way systems, even if this extends the distance of their journey significantly. Students will be reminded that they must not mix with (or attempt to socialise in any way with) students from different years.
Clubs and activities – all clubs and activities will be reviewed and some will continue to run. They will all be for single year groups only or if they are a consistent group, this may be allowed.
Uniform – we will be following our normal uniform rules. The guidance from the government directs this as there is no evidence to suggest that clothes need to be washed any more regularly provided the other safety measures are in place. Coats (not hoodies) will be needed for the wet / cold as usual. We do understand that blazers are in short supply at present but will soon be available. School jumpers may be worn as usual.
Equipment – staff have been told that they should not lend any basic equipment to students. All students therefore must bring basic equipment (and spare pens/pencils) every day. The expected basic equipment is listed on the school website under uniform. Pens will be available to buy at Tutor time, 10p each (please have the correct money/will not be available through ParentPay).
Start and end of the day – we are not staggering our start and end times. However, students should aim to arrive between 8:15 and 8:25. They need to go directly, via their year group’s designated entry route, to their form rooms for Tutor time to maintain the integrity of the year group bubbles. At the end of period 6, all students, apart from those catching the school buses, must make their way off site immediately. Students waiting for the school bus must do so in year group bubbles and we advise that they stay within these groups when travelling to and from school.
Face masks/coverings must be worn at all times when on Public Transport.
I have attached the Covid entrance diagram with this letter, showing the route for each year group.
Timetable and start dates – we are running the full timetable for all students. Students will be issued with their timetables as normal on their first day of term. Term starts on Friday 4th September for Year 7 for Welcome Day and then on Monday 7th September the updated plan is –
Friday 4 September – Year 7 only
Monday 7 September – Year 11 only
Tuesday 8 September – Year 10 only
Wednesday 9 September – Year 9 only
Thursday 10 September – Year 8 only
Friday 11 September – Year 7 and Year 11 only (this has changed from Year 7 only)
From w/c Monday 14 September – all year groups in every day
Behaviour management policy – our normal approach to behaviour management will not change. We will continue to promote positive behaviour and de-escalation and will also continue to operate Restorative Approaches if poor behaviour is evident. One small change to the systems will be that students removed from a class and ‘parked’ in another classroom must only be parked in a class from the same year group.
Travel to school– we actively want more students to walk / cycle, if they can to school but many will still need to use the school buses and trains. As per guidance, face masks must be worn on public transport.
School transport – students will be asked to sanitize their hands before boarding buses. They will sit in year group blocks and all students will need to wear face coverings on the school buses. Face coverings should then be removed (carefully) when they get off the bus at school. Safety is of utmost importance.
Face masks – these are not mandatory at present in school but may be worn in communal areas and classrooms, if students so wish. They must be the correct face masks and must be removed carefully and stored somewhere hygienically e.g. a plastic bag, when not in use.
Mobile Phones – our Policy will be as before, phones are to be switched off at all times and will be confiscated if used in school.
Canteen – At present, no food or drinks will be available except for those entitled to a free school meal. Break will be at 10.25 until 10.45 and all lunch breaks will start at 12:25 and finish at 13:05. The Canteen will only be available at lunch time for free school meals students.
Breaks and lunches – Break and lunchtime areas will be assigned by year group and students will only be allowed to use the canteen if they are in receipt of a free school meal and will do so by year group. All other students must bring in their own lunch and we ask all students to use their own reusable water bottles.
PE lessons – Students will continue with PE lessons and will need to wear their PE kit to school one day per week. Further information about this will be given to the students during w/c 7 September.
Illness / illness in school – Any student who is unwell will be sent home immediately. If you have changed your telephone/mobile number or email address, please ensure that you access the SIMS App and update your details. If your child is ill and will not be attending, please follow the normal procedure and call the absence line as early in the morning as possible.
Lockers – will not be available for the majority of students.
Drop off / collecting students: We request that all parents ensure a safe drop and collection of students. We have increased our student numbers as a school and now have over 800 students arriving and leaving every day.
Visitors /Parents in school – Parents/Visitors will not be admitted to the school without an appointment. Please telephone the school to arrange an appointment and prior to arriving to ensure a member of staff is available to see you. Virtual meetings will be the norm for most meetings.
Socialising after school – students will be escorted off the school grounds and we ask for your support to remind them that socialising in large groups is not allowed.
We understand that you and your child may have mixed feelings about returning to school full time but please be assured that, although the measures required to keep staff and students safe are rigorous, staff will always be student friendly.
We also know that some students will need additional support to make the transition back to regular school; this support will be in place from all staff. Please take some time over the next few days to reassure your child about the expectations when they return to school. Please do let them know that it may feel strange to be coming back after such a long break but that we are all here to support them. The well-being of students and staff is always our overriding priority and we look forward to working with you to make sure we all start the new academic year positively and well.
If you have any questions, please do get in touch.
Best wishes
Yvonne Watkins
Inset Days for 2020-2021
Thursday 3 September 2020
Monday 12 October 2020
Monday 4 January 2021
Inset Days 4 and 5 – to be confirmed
Student Equipment List
It is the student’s responsibility to ensure they have all the right equipment for all lessons; please do not expect staff to provide you with the basics. You need the following for most lessons:-
- Pencil Case
- Red and green pen, pencil, blue/black pen, ruler, colouring pencils/pens
- Pencil sharpener, eraser, highlighter, glue stick
- Scientific calculator, protractor, compass
- PE kit
- Go4Schools login details
- Maths logins
- Memrise login
- Accelerated Reader login
- Reading book
- A bottle for water which can be refilled during the day
All equipment and kit must be carried in a suitable bag.
Entrance Plan